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OneSource App
Education & Employment


Benefit overview

CareerOneStop delivers integrated, easy-to-understand workforce information that helps job seekers, students, workers, employers and workforce intermediaries develop their capacity and make sound economic decisions in the new economy.

How this benefit helps

CareerOneStop provides its service through a variety of products including one-stop access to unemployment and job resources, financial assistance for laid-off workers, job training and much more.

Image of Deployment Map Pins

CareerOneStop can help get your career on track.

CareerOneStop has the resources to help you make a plan for your future career.

How to access this benefit

CareerOneStop and its associated products can be accessed online.

  • GetMyFuture — Offers career, training and job search resources to young adults age 14 to 24
  • Credentials Center — Helps individuals plan, locate and pay for education, training and other credentials to help them start, change or advance their career
  • mySkills myFuture — Helps laid-off workers and other career changers explore new careers that may use the skills and experience gained in previous jobs
  • Worker ReEmployment — Employment, training and financial assistance for laid-off workers
  • Veteran and Military Transition Center — A one-stop website for employment, training and financial help after military service
  • Veterans Employment and Training Service — Prepares veterans, separating service members and their spouses for meaningful careers, providing employment resources and expertise
  • Business Center — A one-stop source for help hiring, training and retaining a strong workforce
  • Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders — Tools and resources to help job seekers with a criminal record explore careers, get training and find a job
  • Disaster Recovery Services — Quick access to a range of employment and related resources for people and businesses impacted by floods and other recent disasters
  • Competency Model Clearinghouse — Validated industry competency models and tools to build a custom model and career ladder/lattice for your industry
  • CareerOneStop Mobile App — Six mobile apps for job seekers including Find an American Job Center, Find a Job, Veterans Job Search, Salary Finder, Training Finder and Unemployment Insurance
  • Unemployment Benefits Finder — Provides information on state unemployment benefits


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