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Health Care & Emotional Well-being

Marine Corps Substance Abuse Program

Benefit overview

The Marine Corps Substance Abuse Program uses evidence-based programming and practices. These include:

  • Prevention education
  • Early intervention initiatives
  • Counseling
  • Drug and alcohol deterrent activities to promote overall health and mission readiness

The program serves Marines through:

  • Education on substance misuse, relationships, stress management, emotional regulation, thinking patterns. It also addresses issues related to alcohol and drug use, including illicit and prescription drugs.
  • Referral to local treatment services. This facilitates the process of moving a Marine with a substance use disorder to where they can get care. This can allow the Marine to more quickly return to duty.
  • Group counseling, coordination of care, continuing care, after care and case management.
  • Random drug and alcohol screening procedures at the unit level. This deters Marines from being under the influence while on duty.
  • Evidence based continuum of prevention, counseling and deterrence activities. This can prevent career-or life-altering incidents. It also supports commanders’ efforts to ensure that Marines arrive to work safe and fit for duty.

How this benefit helps

Substance abuse contributes to high-risk behaviors, runs counter to military values and erodes readiness. The Marine Corps Substance Abuse Program helps by:

  • Educating Marines and their families on the dangers of illicit substance use and alcohol misuse
  • Improving the health of Marines and their families
  • Promoting good order and discipline within the Marine Corps
  • Providing treatment for Marines with substance use disorders, helping to return them to duty when possible
Image of Health Cross

The Marine Corps Substance Abuse Program helps promote readiness and health.

The program promotes readiness, health and wellness through prevention, counseling and deterrence activities.

How to access this benefit

Substance Abuse Counseling Centers are located on all Marine Corps installations. Licensed, skilled professionals provide direct services to clients. They use evidence-based practices including screening, assessment, treatment, case management, continuing and aftercare. Professionals include alcohol prevention specialists, drug demand reduction coordinators and substance abuse clinical counselors.

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