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Installation Libraries and DOD MWR Libraries

Benefit overview

Your installation’s library is a great resource for professional development and learning. There’s so much there beyond books, including resume help, events information and research capabilities. For your family, the library is a great place to connect with the community and help kids begin lifelong learning. The DOD MWR Libraries digital collection includes e-books, audiobooks, movies, academic support, test prep, professional development, career transition and a vast array of learning resources and online content for all ages and interests.

How this benefit helps

Installation libraries contribute to the well-being and quality of life for service members and their families by offering access to a variety of resources, promoting education, fostering community connections and providing valuable support for the unique challenges associated with military life.

Whether you’re new in town or want to maximize your downtime, below are ways to enjoy your installation’s library or access its online resources.

  • Take your next career step. Get resume help, find examples of cover letters, and look up new professional fields with the research tools available here. You can also research specific topics to help you prep for an interview or a meeting.
  • Sharpen your test-taking skills. Prepare for your exams or certification tests with the free study guides and books on a wide range of topics. Use your library’s research tools to dig deeper into any subject or find a tutor to get some one-on-one help.
  • Find afterschool activities. The library is a great place for kids and teens, with plenty of things to keep them busy. They can get help with homework and school projects. It’s the perfect location for study groups and has plenty of material for research papers.
  • Make new friends. Beyond just book clubs, the library is home base for many local groups and community organizations. Get involved and join one of these groups to strengthen your local connections.
  • Do some research. If you’re unsure how to tackle a new home project or looking into a new hobby, dig into the books, periodicals and even academic research available at your local branch. Become an expert and master your next task.
  • Ask your librarian. If you aren’t sure where to find information that you need for work, school or a curious mind, ask your local librarian for help. Librarians are happy to help you find what you need and give you tips to improve your research skills.
  • Entertain your kids. Even for the youngest of children, the library offers reading hours, local authors and playgroups. With e-books, movies and music to check out too, there’s plenty to enjoy and even take home.

DOD MWR Libraries

The integrated DOD MWR Libraries website offers countless free resources to service members and their families. For children and teens, there are reading guides and homework helpers. For service members and spouses, there are research and reference materials on hundreds of subjects from car repair to mutual funds. The integrated website provides you with one search area to find:

  • Free resources, available 24/7.
  • The same high-quality MWR Digital Library databases you’ve been using.
  • New materials, including e-books, audiobooks, movies, academic support, test prep, professional development, career transition and a vast array of learning resources and online content for all ages and interests.

Create your profile and log in today to start researching your ancestry, learning to fix your ride, reading a bestseller or watching a fun flick.

Multiple resources are available for all ages. Database collections may change, so it’s best to check with DOD MWR Libraries to access the most current resources. Below is a partial list:

  • Ancestry.comTMLibrary Edition offers access to more than 7 billion names from more than 4,000 genealogical databases. Censuses from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland, and more than 150 million military records are available.
  • Britannica® Library allows users to find the most suitable content for school projects or for learning something new through its Children, Young Adults or Reference Center sections.
  • Consumer ReportsTM offers expert buying advice, ratings, reviews and product descriptions. It also includes consumer reviews and product video clips.
  • O’Reilly® is a leading e-reference resource for technology and business professionals. It offers access to more than 57,000 e-books, videos and tutorials. Technology, digital media and professional development topics are all heavily emphasized.
  • The Wall Street Journal provides coverage of U.S. and world news, politics, arts, culture, lifestyle, sports and health. It’s available in print, online and through mobile apps and includes breaking news streams, interactive features, videos and blogs.

How to access this benefit

Make your next career move or keep your kids happy on a rainy day by taking advantage of everything the library has to offer. It’s a centerpiece of your military community and even from home, the digital library can provide a wealth of resources to tackle any project.

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