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Benefit overview

Alcohol and drug abuse are often linked with distress. They may cause a wide array of problems that degrade mission success and personal quality of life. People undergoing stressful life events may turn to alcohol to help alleviate distress and cope with problems.

The Navy maintains a “zero tolerance” policy for drug use. However, leaders should make every reasonable effort to retain sailors when problems with alcohol surface. They should guide them to return to full productivity, and to a healthy lifestyle.

How this benefit helps

The primary objectives of the Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention program are to:

  • Promote readiness, health and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance abuse.
  • Prevent the negative effects of substance abuse to the sailor, family and organization.
  • Provide extensive education and treatment to sailors experiencing problems attributed to substance abuse.
  • Return identified abusers to unrestricted duty status. Or assist them in their transition to civilian life as appropriate.
Image of Health Cross

The Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention helps promote readiness and health.

Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention promotes readiness, health and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance misuse and abuse.

How to access this benefit

Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention can be found around the world on Navy installations. Find your local Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention through MilitaryINSTALLATIONS.

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