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Education & Employment

School Liaison Program

Benefit overview

Parents have many questions about their children’s education, and military life can create even more. If you’re looking for answers to your education questions, your installation school liaison can provide you with the support you need.

The School Liaison Program offers an array of services and resources to support children, parents, installation leadership, schools and the surrounding community.

School liaisons assist with transition support, including school selection, transfer or credits and youth sponsorship referrals, and also can help military-connected families at any time with all education-related matters pre-K through 12th grade.

Reach out to your school liaison as soon as you have a question or concern.

How the school liaison program helps

School liaisons are located at each installation and are the main contact for military families, local school systems and installation leadership for school-related matters pre-K through 12th grade.

School liaisons are experienced professionals who support, advise and build partnerships with the civilian and military community to help address common education challenges of military families.

  • School liaisons can assist with education-related matters for students grades pre-K through 12. Support includes:
    • Transition support
    • Alternative schooling support
    • Deployment support
    • College, career and military readiness
    • Parent workshops
  • School liaisons also offer special education support and referrals.
  • School liaisons can help with deployment support.

How to contact a school liaison

School Liaison Program support is open to all Defense Department ID card holders, educators who service military students and community partners involved with pre-K-12 education.

For more information, contact your local installation school liaison office.


Student and family support

School liaisons provide a wide variety of services for students and families, including:

School liaisons can provide:

  • Information on campus-specific programs and courses of study, school districts and boundaries
  • Assistance with transferring credits and registering for classes
  • Help with locating after-school and extracurricular programs
  • Tutoring referrals
  • Youth sponsorship referrals
  • Support for transitions to elementary, middle and high school and beyond
  • Compliance help for Interstate Compact on Education Opportunities for Military Children

School liaisons can provide parents the information they need to decide between all the schooling options available for military children, including private, parochial, charter and homeschool options.

School liaisons can assist with referral to the Defense Department Exceptional Family Member Program, as well as help you navigate your school’s special education department and other local resources.

School liaisons can assist with common deployment challenges for children, youth and teens, including:

  • Parental absence coping strategies
  • Educator awareness of phases and impact of different deployment cycles (including predeployment, deployment, and reunion and reintegration)
  • Compliance help for the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
  • Confidential counseling referrals to minimize the academic, social and emotional impact of deployment

School liaisons can help students prepare for postsecondary opportunities including:

  • Test preparation and scheduling
  • Scholarship and financial aid information
  • College, vocational and career fairs

School liaisons offer workshops for parents on education-related subjects including:

Education partners

On the program level, school liaisons collaborate with national educational and local community organizations to promote the best education for military children.

The partnerships, resources and services that school liaisons develop and coordinate play a key role in creating a collaborative relationship between the military community and school systems worldwide to support the educational needs of military children and families.

View some education partners below.

Looking for your school liaison?

Contact your local school liaison for all of your pre-K-12 education needs.


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