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Wounded Warrior Programs

Benefit overview

The military provides specialized wounded warrior programs designed to help wounded, ill and/or injured service members transition back to duty or civilian life. Each service branch has its own program. While the programs do not focus on medical issues, they do help service members and their medical teams develop a comprehensive recovery plan that addresses specific rehabilitation and recovery goals.

How this benefit helps

Wounded warrior programs provide non-medical support that is tailored to fit both the service member’s and caregiver’s needs. This support spans from something as simple as helping service members understand their benefits to assisting them with their specialized transportation needs. The program provides services that address:

  • Pay and personnel issues
  • Invitational travel orders
  • Lodging and housing adaptations
  • Child and youth care arrangements
  • Transportation needs
  • Legal and guardianship issues
  • Education and training benefits
  • Respite care
  • Traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress support services

Wounded warrior program eligibility

Wounded warrior programs are not solely exclusive to service members with combat injuries. They also assist service members who are battling serious illnesses and service members who have been injured in accidents and require long-term care.

How to access this benefit

Enrollment into a wounded warrior program varies per branch. Some service branches allow wounded warriors to self-refer into the program. Other service branches require that a medical officer make a program enrollment request on behalf of the service member. Here is a contact list for the various wounded warrior programs:

  1. Army Recovery Care Program: To be considered eligible for entry into the Army Recovery Care Program, soldiers must meet the entry criteria for their component. For more information and assistance, contact the Army Recovery Care Program call center at 877-393-9058, DSN 312-221-9113.
  2. Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment: The parent command, medical officer, medical case manager or wounded warrior regiment detachment officer-in-charge must initiate the request on behalf of the service member. For more information on the referral process, contact the wounded warrior regiment call center at 877-487-6299.
  3. Navy Wounded Warrior: Sailors and Coast Guardsmen may self-refer to the program or be referred by a family member, their command leadership or their medical team. Enrolled wounded warriors are assigned a regional non-medical care management team that helps develop a Comprehensive Recovery Plan, complete with short- and long-term recovery goals and the strategies to achieve them. For questions on enrollment eligibility, contact the Navy Wounded Warrior call center at 855-NAVY-WWP or 855-628-9997, or use the contact links provided on the website.
  4. Air Force Wounded Warrior: Anyone can refer an airman into the Air Force Wounded Warrior program. Contact the AFW2 program office at 800-581-9437 or use the direct email links provided on the website.
  5. U.S. Special Operations Command Warrior Care Program: USSOCOM WCP was established in 2005 to provide support to special operations forces wounded, ill or injured service members and their families after life-changing events to help them navigate through recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration. For more information, call 877-672-3039 or 813-826-8888.

For additional information and resources, including free specialty consultation services, visit the Military OneSource Wounded Warrior webpage. You can also contact a Military OneSource consultant 24/7/365. Call 800-342-9647, view overseas calling options or schedule a live chat.

Additional support for wounded warriors

The DOD Wounded, Ill, and/or Injured Compensation and Benefits Handbook for Service members of the Armed Forces is a handbook created by the Defense Department in partnership with other federal agencies. The handbook provides service members and their support networks with a reference guide to answer some of the most pressing questions that arise for wounded, ill and/or injured members.

Use the handbook to find government programs and resources. The handbook is available for download on the Warrior Care website.

Group Item Body Text: Disability Severance Pay is financial support provided to service members separated from the military due to a service-related medical condition that makes them unable to continue serving. The amount is calculated based on base pay and years of service, and the payment may be subject to tax under certain conditions. For more information about Disability Severance Pay, visit the Defense Finance and Accounting Service website.

Voice Activated Laptops for Our Injured Troops, or Project Valor-IT, is a program of Soldiers’ Angels that helps reconnect wounded warriors to the technology they can no longer use due to injury and to help them navigate the world a little easier.

The program provides voice-controlled laptops to wounded warriors to give them back a piece of their lives and hope that they can do what they did before, even if they have to do it a bit differently now.

In addition to voice-controlled laptops, the Valor-IT program provides active and whole-body video games (like Wii Sports or Xbox Kinect) to help with physical therapy, iPads with tools and applications that help traumatic brain injury patients manage their memory loss and time management skills, and GPS systems to help with the spatial challenges that are common in brain injury patients.

Visit Project Valor-IT to learn more about the program and find out how to get involved.

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