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When Your Guard or Reserve Service Member Is Called to Active Duty

Service member with ballistic glasses looks into the distance

Your spouse or partner is preparing for deployment and transitioning from reserve status to active duty. Take advantage of several deployment support programs. They can help you with everything from mobilization to your service member’s reintegration.

Military OneSource and installation support services are available to assist you during deployment, including:

  • Command communications
  • Military and Family Support Centers
  • Yellow Ribbon events and family readiness activities
  • Military OneSource
  • Family Assistance Centers
  • Your unit’s family support staff and volunteer network

The phases of deployment for National Guard members and reservists are similar to those of active-duty service members — predeployment, deployment and reunion/reintegration. However, National Guard and reserve members also have to manage activation, mobilization and demobilization stages.

Command communications

Your command leadership will provide information to you as efficiently as possible through the unit website, email, a toll-free number and/or automated multimedia communication systems.

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Military family support websites

The Defense Department and each branch of the military provide online information for military families, including those in the National Guard and reserves. These websites will tell you about:

Yellow Ribbon events and family readiness activities

Military commands typically host Yellow Ribbon events to help families prepare for and stay strong during and after a deployment. The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program can:

  • Prepare service members and families for deployment
  • Sustain them during deployment
  • Provide information and support for reintegration

At predeployment events, you and your service member will learn about benefits and support, such as:

Events during deployment provide information and outreach to family members to help with the impact of separation and connect you with other families going through the deployment. Family and deployment readiness means knowing and using the resources available to you. During a deployment, you may:

After service members return home, Yellow Ribbon activities help families reconnect and readjust. Participate in these activities and get information on:

  • Communication challenges
  • Relationship stress
  • Combat stress
  • Department of Veterans Affairs benefits
  • Employment

Ask questions and receive answers from briefings and group discussions. You’ll also meet unit leaders, family support professionals, and volunteers who will be important resources during the deployment. Check out Yellow Ribbon events online and the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program.

Family Assistance Centers

Family Assistance Centers are located in every state to serve geographically dispersed military families. They provide information, outreach and referrals to services in your community and serve all active and reserve service members and families.

Installation family support programs

Immediate family members of active-duty National Guard or reserve members are entitled to use services at military installations. These resources offer a variety of professional Military OneSource services, including personal financial management services, and information and referrals to community resources. The centers include:

  • Marine Corps Community Services
  • Fleet and Family Support Centers
  • Military and Family Readiness Centers

Use MilitaryINSTALLATIONS to find contact information.

Unit family support staff and volunteer network

National Guard families experience unique challenges, and the National Guard Family Program can provide support. National Guard and reserve commands have organized family support systems of staff and volunteers, such as:

  • Family assistance coordinators
  • Family readiness assistants
  • Family readiness officers
  • Other designated family support specialists

It’s easier to ask for help when you need it if you get to know key staff and volunteers before your service member deploys.

Support for children

There are many forms of support available to National Guard and reserve parents, children and caregivers, including:

Use these programs and resources to help your children cope with the emotions that can come with having a deployed parent.

Seek community support

Look for support outside the military community. Ask neighbors, coworkers, school personnel or leaders in your religious organization about any services they offer or recommend.

Take care of yourself

Don’t forget to take care of yourself during your loved one’s deployment. Remember that family separations and deployment can be an opportunity to nurture your own physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Explore how to prepare for and manage stress during deployment.

Plan for your deployment

Manage the deployment process by knowing as much as you can about your benefits and support resources available. Be proactive about getting support at home before, during and after your partner’s deployment to ensure a positive experience.

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