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It’s time to find a new job or maybe explore a different career. Whether you are in the National Guard or reserves and looking for a change or transitioning out of the military to seek employment in a corporation, nonprofit organization or the government, Military OneSource can help. You’ll find information on credentialing your military experience and building your resume, networking, identifying federal employment benefits and more.

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Your Career Path: Finding the Right Job

Finding a career that matches your skills and interests is key to job satisfaction. Explore resources and support to help you find a career path that suits you.

Tap into employment benefits and assistance programs

The Department of Defense wants you to have a successful transition to meaningful work. Check out these employment benefits and assistance programs available before and after you leave the military.

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Transitioning Veterans Specialty Consultation

Get personalized support and help navigating available resources, benefits and programs with a Military OneSource transitioning veterans consultation.

Credential your military experience

Your military experience has given you training that converts to skills in the civilian world. The Credentialing Opportunities Online, or COOL, program helps you translate your training into civilian credentials and speak better to what employers are looking for.


Explore careers

Not sure what career path to take? Get guidance from these websites.

Investigate training opportunities

Prepare for a career with an apprenticeship, training or internship.

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The DOD SkillBridge program provides service members valuable civilian work experience through specific industry, training, apprenticeships or internships during the last 180 days of service.

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Registered Apprenticeship is a career pathway providing paid work experience, classroom instruction and more.

Build your resume

Use this tool and resource to build a resume that reflects your skills and knowledge.

Identify veteran-friendly employers

Many organizations are committed to helping veterans find a good job. Look for programs such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring Our Heroes initiative and explore organizations like the Military Officers Association of America and Non-Commissioned Officers Association or Enlisted Association.

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Read about programs to help connect you with employers who are looking to hire veterans.

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Learn about this nationwide initiative that helps veterans, transitioning service members and military spouses find meaningful employment opportunities.

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See which companies have been recognized for their efforts to recruit, employ and retain our nation’s veterans.

Attend a job fair

Job fairs are an opportunity to network and may be a required step in the employment process. Prepare for a job fair like you would for an interview: Research recruiters before you arrive, create a list of questions and topics to discuss, and be sure to follow up with any connections you make.

Search jobs

Use these job-search tools to find and apply for available positions.

Learn about military bases worldwide. Get installation overviews, check-in procedures, housing, neighborhood information, contacts for programs and services, photos and more.

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