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Ways to Support Your Children in School

Student doing homework at home

As a parent, you want to both protect your children and help them be their best. Helping them learn and grow is a big way to achieve both goals. You’ll want to give your children a head start in their education so they can safely navigate through the sometimes tricky terrain of school.

Use the following tips and resources to help your child adjust to and do well in school. You can also find resources and services to help support children after a traumatic event.

Give your child a support network

Talk to a school liaison. Your installation school liaison is your first stop for assistance with all things education.

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Discover the ways installation school liaisons can help your child’s transition.

Looking for your school liaison?

Local school liaisons represent, inform and assist military families with school-related issues, including special education support. Search MilitaryINSTALLATIONS to find your local school liaison.

School liaisons can:

Get your child a tutor. It’s easier to keep up than catch up. for U.S. Military and Their Families can help your student stay ahead or get caught up.

  • Live tutors are online and can help with homework, studying, test prep, proofreading, organizational skills and more.
  • Tutoring and homework help is available 24/7 at no cost to active-duty service members, their spouses and K-12 dependents, as well as surviving spouses (unmarried) and surviving dependent children and orphans of personnel who died on active duty or while in retired status (whether the surviving spouse remarries or not).

Participate in child, youth and teen programs. Child and youth programs provide safe, developmentally-appropriate places for your child to socialize and grow, develop essential skills and make lasting connections.

  • Youth centers are available on almost every installation where families PCS.
  • Centers are staffed with trained, caring professionals who understand how to connect with youth, support them in their teen years and recognize the signs of stress.
  • Read more about the military youth and teen programs offered on installations worldwide.

Support your student at home. Learning never stops. Here’s how to support your student at any age:

  • Give your child a quiet place to study, and help your student create and maintain routines that support learning.
  • Monitor homework and help your student chip away at larger projects.
  • Keep your children engaged in their experiences. Ask them specific, not general, questions about school. Talk about your own work and how it connects to what they are learning. Get your child or teen out for a walk to help them open up about how things are going.
  • Engage children in healthy living and active lifestyles, and make sure they have a nutritious breakfast each morning to support attention spans and learning at school. Military OneSource offers fitness, nutrition and active living essentials and a number of healthy living resources to support your MilFam’s overall health.

Connect to support for specific situations

If your child has a disability or special need, the Exceptional Family Member Program can help you navigate the Defense Department’s network of services and support.

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How School Liaisons Can Help With Special Education podcast

Listen to this podcast to learn how school liaisons can help with special education and find the resources and support available to your family.

If your family has low income or a foster child, you’re eligible for programs that promote school readiness.

  • The national Head Start Program teaches reading, math and other key skills to children ages 5 and younger before they start kindergarten. Children also receive nutrition, health and social services.
  • Living overseas? The DOD developed the Sure Start program to provide Head Start-like services to families living overseas. The program is open primarily to 4-year-old children of command-sponsored service members. Learn more about Sure Start to see if your child qualifies.

If your child has experienced a traumatic event, reach out to the following resources for support.

Military OneSource is by your side so you can support your children’s education every step of the way. Whether you are looking to give your children an educational head start, prepare for standardized tests in high school or help them learn to manage life challenges, we can help. To connect to an education consultant, call Military OneSource 24/7 at 800-342-9647, view overseas calling options or schedule a live chat.

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