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How Do I Report a Crime on the Installation?

Yellow crime scene tape

The information contained on this website is designed to educate and inform service members and their families on their personal legal affairs. Nothing contained in the website is a substitute for the competent legal advice of a licensed attorney. Service members and their families seeking legal advice should consult the staff of the nearest installation Legal Assistance Office.

Report a crime to the nearest military police agency if the victim is on a military installation or if military personnel are involved. In any case, don’t take matters into your own hands. Military police agencies are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week — and you can call to report a crime or walk in to file a report.

Military law enforcement agencies

Each service branch has its own military police force, including:

  • Military Police (Army)
  • Marine Corps Law Enforcement
  • Master-at-Arms or Navy Police
  • Security Forces (Department of the Air Force)

However, the Coast Guard is a law enforcement agency within the Department of Homeland Security.

The military criminal investigative organizations associated with each service branch also get a copy of any crime reports. These are listed below:

How to report a crime on the installation

You can report installation crimes, or crimes involving military personnel, directly to your installation provost marshall’s office (for the Army and Marine Corps), the chief master-at-arms (for the Navy), or the law enforcement desk (for the Air Force). Check your installation directory or call your installation operator, who can connect you with the military police.

You can also report crimes through the following investigative offices:

Don’t hesitate to report a crime or to dial 911 in an emergency.

The information contained on this website is designed to educate and inform service members and their families on their personal legal affairs. Nothing contained in the website is a substitute for the competent legal advice of a licensed attorney. Service members and their families seeking legal advice should consult the staff of the nearest installation Legal Assistance Office.

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