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Casualty Assistance – Army

This page includes information about casualty and family support services for the Army.

Army Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Division provides casualty assistance resources for commanders and family members. It has a thorough list of publications, public laws, forms, benefits, terms and acronyms. It also has a link to a comprehensive, user-friendly survivor’s guide.

Army Emergency Relief is a private, nonprofit organization whose sole mission is to help soldiers and their dependents. It can provide emergency financial assistance to active-duty and retired soldiers and their dependents when there is a valid need. It can assist surviving family members by arranging transportation, providing low-cost loans and offering other forms of support.

Army Long Term Family Case Management provides one-stop resolution assistance for soldiers’ survivors, helping with questions regarding benefits, outreach, advocacy and support. The call center assists bereaved families after they transition from their casualty assistance officer.

The Army Recovery Care Program assists and advocates for severely wounded, ill and injured soldiers and their families by supporting and advising them during medical treatment, rehabilitation and transition back into the Army or a civilian community.

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