Military Leaders Economic Security Toolkit
This toolkit helps leaders and service providers support the economic security of service members.

Economic Security Supports Military Readiness
A military family's economic security is critical to mission readiness. This toolkit helps define economic security issues and provides tools and resources to help you support your service members.
Housing Availability »
Food Security »
Financial Well-Being »
Strengthening Food Security in the Force
Access the latest information on the Defense Department’s targeted policies.
Know the Issues Affecting Our Service Members
Housing Availability

The current hot housing market is impacting many military families. Those relocating are facing rising rents and home prices, paying out of pocket for temporary lodging, waiting longer for on-base housing and paying more per month than their housing allowance covers.
Every PCS comes with its unique set of challenges but there are resources available to help service members pin down the tools they need to make their next PCS a power move. Learn more about how Military OneSource can help connect service members and their families to support for their next relocation.
Affording Housing
Finding Housing
Expenses During PCS Transition
Food Security

Food security is having access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. Food security is critical for overall health and well-being, and peak service member performance. Learn how to quickly assess food insecurity.
Strengthening Food Security in the Force
Learn How To Identify Food Insecurity
Food Security Resources and Programs
Financial Well-Being

Financial well-being is when a person can fully meet current and ongoing financial obligations, can feel secure in their financial future, and is able to make choices that allow enjoyment of life.
Identifying Economic Concerns
Helpful Financial Tools
The 2024 Military Family Readiness Academy, or MFRA, equips service providers with the skills necessary to support family well-being while navigating the terrain of economic security for service members and families. The MFRA on-demand course provides a foundation primer to economic security and family well-being. The MFRA webinars frame economic security through the lenses of emotional, physical, social and financial well-being and explore programs, discuss gaps in services, and investigate ways to better link families in need with services. Register now.
Help promote economic security in your military community.
The 2024 Military Family Readiness Academy, Economic Readiness and Military Family Well-Being, examines the factors that impact economic security and highlights resources that help strengthen financial readiness and support family well-being.
Additional Information To Help Service Members
Check out the resources and tools at your fingertips to help military families bolster their economic security and relieve financial stress. Whether it's helping them with financial well-being, housing availability or food security, the information below provides a great start. You can also download the free MilProvider app to easily access and share these Military OneSource resources, products and more with your service members.
Additional Housing Availability Information
- Homeless Veterans Assistance Center — A website that describes Veterans Affairs services for homeless veterans and their families.
- Housing Help for Veterans — Information about government housing assistance for veterans, including VA loans for buying or improving a home.
- Housing and Urban Development Rental Assistance — A description of rental assistance services from HUD.
- Housing and Urban Development Home Ownership — Information that tells prospective homeowners what they need to know about buying a house.
- Military OneSource Housing & Living — Information from Military OneSource about housing and moving benefits for service members and their families.
- Veteran Resource Center Hotline (HUDVet) –— A national list of links and contact information for organizations that assist and serve veterans.
- Short Sale Assistance for Military Homeowners — A press release announcing a policy making it easier for service members to have a “short sale” on their home when they have to move as part of their duty.
- Military Relief Options for Service Members — Information to help debt servicers implement military relief legal protections for borrowers with Freddie Mac-owned mortgages.
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act — Explains the law that provides service members with certain legal protections during their military service.
- Housing and Community Leadership — An explanation of USDA housing services for veterans in rural areas.
Additional Food Security Information
- Strengthening Food Security in the Force: Building on Our Progress — Read about the DOD’s actions targeting the food security of service members and their families and how it intends to continue its progress in addressing food security in the force.
- OneOp 2023 Military Family Readiness Academy — Military Families and Food Security: A Call to Action — Access on-demand programming, tools and resources focused on strengthening food security for service members and their families. Service providers can also earn continuing education credits.
- OneOp programming supporting food security — Take advantage of OneOp’s Food Security in Focus collection offering live and on-demand webinars for family service providers covering different aspects of food security.
- Food security resources for DECA benefits – Learn how commissaries promote food security by providing quality products at low prices and tips on nutrition.
- Nutrition assistance programs — A listing of some of the federal nutrition programs eligible to military families.
- USDA National Hunger Hotline – USDA National Hunger Clearinghouse connects individuals to food assistance and other nutrition and social services information.
- Maintaining mission readiness with defense resale entities — Learn how military commissaries and exchanges provide service members with cost savings and efficiencies.
- Strengthening Food Security in the Force: Strategy and Roadmap — Read more about how the DOD is focusing on the food security of service members and their families.
- Military Family Program within the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service — Education and resources assisting service members and families with many life issues.
- Childhood Food Insecurity Online Course, Oregon State University Continuing Education —A free online course from Oregon State University covering various topics associated with child health and wellness.
- Food Insecurity Within the Military: A Review of Existing Research —An overview of the prevalence of and potential risk factors for food insecurity from Military REACH at Auburn University.
Additional Financial Well-Being Information
- Office of Financial Readiness — Financial resources to support your mission of helping service members achieve financial well-being.
- MilSpouse Money Mission® — A resource that helps educate and empower military spouses to elevate their families by making smart money moves.
- DoD Mobile App: SEN$E — A downloadable mobile app available from your Google Play or the iOS app store. This resource is no longer available in the App Store on desktop browsers. Visit from your iPhone or iPad to download the app.
- Office of Financial Readiness Leader Cards — Topic-based cards to help start the conversation with your service members toward building their financial health.
- Financial Well-Being Assessment — An online tool to identify financial strengths and areas to improve.
- Financial Resources for your Military Career — Financial resources to support you throughout your military career.
- Basic Needs Allowance — Eligibility and application information for a monthly allowance for active-duty service members with dependents whose gross household income falls below 150% of federal poverty guidelines.
- Military Service Resources
- Navy Touchpoint Curriculum Leadership Training — This curriculum helps leaders understand the financial challenges they may start seeing in this role
- The MyNavy Family app - Connects Navy families to information and resources to help them successfully navigate the complexities of the Navy lifestyle. The app is available on the Apple App and Google Play
- Marine Corps MarineNet — The Marine Corps provides leaders with training materials in the Instructor-led Courses section on the Education Action Points page. Topics include: The Need for Personal Financial Management, Financial Warning Signs, and Military Retirement.
- Air Force Touchpoint Curriculum Training — Air and Space professionals can complete required training through the MyVector link. Curriculum helps navigate to a successful financial future.
- Army Financial Front Line — The Army’s Financial Frontline is an educational platform for Soldiers, Family members, Service Leaders, and Providers to access financial readiness resources for milestones throughout a Soldier and Family member’s lifecycle.
- Military Relief Societies — From emergency assistance to education and community resources, these organizations can help service members who need financial relief.
- Office of Financial Readiness Calculators — Financial calculators provide a powerful tool to help service members with all kinds of money-related decisions.
- Financial Literacy Education Commission — The Financial Literacy Education Commission provides resources targeted to support financial education for Service members and families.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Office of Servicemember Affairs — Works to help military families overcome unique financial challenges by providing educational resources, monitoring complaints and working with other agencies to solve problems faced by servicemembers.
- Family Supplemental Subsistence Allowance — FSSA is available to service members who are OCONUS and meet eligibility requirements based on household income level and household size.
- The Military Spouse Employment Partnership — MSEP connects military spouses with employers committed to hiring military spouses.
- Military Child Care Options — Affordable, quality and licensed child care options available to military families with children.
Economic insecurity describes the stability and health of the standards of living across the total force to be mission ready. Economic security refers to the broader set of conditions that allow the total force to have a stable income and resources supporting a standard of living throughout the Military Life Cycle allowing for military readiness. In short, economic security is national security.
Financial well-being is the ability of service members and their spouses to be able to cover their essential needs and plan for future goals. Financial well-being impacts individual readiness, performance and retention and is supported by financial literacy, which is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively. The Department of Defense provides financial education, tools resources and services through the Office of Financial Readiness (FINRED), FINRED.USALEARNING.GOV, and MilSpouseMoneyMission.org. Military OneSource also delivers personal, professional financial counseling to service members and spouses at MilitaryOneSource.mil.
Installation-based PFMs and PFCs regularly offer educational workshops, briefings and seminars on a variety of financial topics based on the particular needs and interests of their local population. All Department of Defense financial literacy programs are designed to help participants develop knowledge and skills to take independent action. This includes where to find additional support, whether that is a DOD financial counselor, another federal agency or department, or community resources.
Housing insecurity is the lack of security caused by high housing costs in proportion to income, poor housing quality, unstable neighborhoods, overcrowding, or homelessness. Housing insecurity can affect anyone, but disproportionately affects lower income families who often must pay higher proportions of their income on high-cost housing. Studies show that food and housing insecurity may contribute to poorer mental and physical health in adults and children.
Households are considered cost burdened if they spend more than 30% of their income on housing and severely cost burdened if they spend more than 50% of their income on housing. Cost-burdened households have little left over each month to spend on other necessities such as food, clothing, utilities and health care. Black and Hispanic households are almost twice as likely as white households to be cost burdened. As of 2014, 21.3 million households were cost burdened. Of these, 11.4 million households were severely house burdened. 83% of households earning less than $15,000 a year were cost burdened. Current data are likely higher due to COVID-19 and damage done by natural disasters.
- 21.3 million households were cost burdened. Of these, 11.4 million households were severely house burdened.
- 83% of households earning less than $15,000 a year were cost burdened.
- Current data are likely higher due to COVID-19 and damage done by natural disasters.
Service members complain that the rent near some installations is too high or doesn’t provide enough space for the price. Many complain that the Basic Allowance for Housing doesn’t cover rent and members are having to pay hundreds more per month for housing. When purchasing houses, members say that they are bidding tens of thousands of dollars over asking price yet still do not approach the winning bid. The Defense Department is aware of the issue and is considering solutions such as faster-than-normal adjustments to BAH, adjustments in PCS dates, and adjustments in authorities for temporary lodging expenses.
Food insecurity is typically defined when access to adequate food for active, healthy living is limited by lack of money and other resources. There are different levels of food insecurity: food availability, access to food, utilization and stability.
Food insecurity is not a new issue in this country and the military community is not immune. The issue has, however, taken on a heightened level of importance and focus as we all feel the longtail effects of the pandemic. Increased uncertainties and negative financial impacts particularly among those families who rely on incomes from both heads of households. Increased unemployment rates mean some families went from two incomes down to one. Increased pressure on already-tight budgets has strained individual and family budgets. Reports of hardships faced among service members and families have come to greater light through surveys and reports and the increased need for support is clear.
There are over 35 million people in the U.S. classified as food insecure. The incidence of food insecurity is generally higher in households with children, low incomes or unemployment, younger adults or elderly, and those who live in rural or urban areas where access to food can be challenging.
Food insecurity is assessed based on a series of questions. The questions cover a range of severity of conditions and behaviors that characterize food insecurity. In the military there is a six-item measure. Depending on the answers, households can be categorized as 1) food secure, 2) low food security, 3) very low food security. These are the definitions:
Food Secure: Access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. Can afford enough healthy food.
Food Insecure: Worry, stretch, juggle
Low Food Security: Unable, at some time during the year, to provide adequate food for one or more household members due to a lack of resources. Reduced quality and variety of diet.
Very Low Food Security: Normal eating patterns of some household members were disrupted at times during the year and their food intake reduced below levels they considered appropriate. Reduced food intake.
The Defense Department has made addressing economic insecurity a DOD-wide high priority. Overall, the approach is to mobilize leadership and resources to help those in need find resources and help; and ensure there is a clear understanding and measures for food insecurity to improve solutions and help reduce the incidence. A series of actions are planned from now through 2022.
There are a range of supports available to military service members and families. Your local command and service providers on installation can help. Also, resources can be found on MilitaryOneSource.mil.
The Community Resource Finder is an easy-to-use, easy-to-search tool available through Military OneSource’s Member Connect website. It gives you access to thousands of resources and allows you to connect faster with the solutions you need. All resources are vetted, military friendly and free or low cost. The community resource finder is available to all Military OneSource account holders.