My Military
OneSource App

MilProvider Mobile App Eases Resource Sharing for Service Providers

Hands holding mobile phone accessing MilProvider app

The Defense Department and Military OneSource offer a wealth of resources, products and materials to help service members and their families be well, build resilience and navigate challenges. With the new MilProvider mobile app, service providers can quickly and easily access this information from any mobile device and share it with those they support.

By providing an easy way to find and send beneficial resources and materials, the app aids service providers and others who work with the military community in delivering vital support and assistance.

Download the free MilProvider app.


About the MilProvider app

The Defense Department created the MilProvider mobile app to support the work of military service providers. It offers on-the-go access to Military OneSource products, materials and information about quality-of-life benefits that empower service members and their families to stay strong and resilient.

The curated resources available through the app were selected with input from military and family life counselors and Military OneSource state consultants. These resources can help mitigate the challenges of military life and cover a range of topics, including:

  • Money management
  • Moving
  • Confidential counseling
  • Spouse Education and Career Opportunities
  • Family advocate resources and reporting options

The app is quick to use and easy to navigate. Through it, service providers can easily find and share pertinent information with those they work with via email, text messages and other platforms.

New resources and materials will be regularly added to the app to reflect important initiatives and feedback from users. Select Spanish-language resources are available. Users will receive notifications of updates from the Apple App and Google Play stores.

Download the MilProvider app for free.


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