Military programs are governed by federal law, Department of Defense policy and additional policies specific to the branches of service. The below are service-specific policies that govern financial management education and counseling programs in the military.
Army Regulation (AR) 600-4, “Remission or Cancellation of Indebtedness,” May 20, 2021 This Regulation outlines the policies and guidance for the remission or cancellation of indebtedness of Army Soldiers to the United States Army.
AR 608-1, “Army Community Service Center,” October 19, 2017 This Regulation provides service delivery standards for the Army Community Services Center (ACS).
AR 930-4, “Army Emergency Relief,” May 5, 2019 This Regulation prescribes the requirements, procedures, and responsibilities for administering, operating, and approving Army Emergency Relief (AER) assistance. AR 930-4 describes the types of assistance available from AER as well as eligibility requirements Soldiers must meet to receive emergency assistance.
Marine Corps
MCO P1700.27B, “Marine Corps Community Services Policy Manual,” November 6, 2012 This Order issues policies governing the management, operations, and administration of Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) programs. Chapter 4 of this Order provides detail on programs and services contained within Marine and Family Services (MFS) including personal financial management.
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction 1740.5D, “United States Navy Personal Financial Management Program,” October 24, 2017 This Instruction implements a comprehensive personal financial management education, training, and counseling program that emphasizes a proactive, career lifecycle approach to service members’ personal financial responsibility and accountability. It also provides basic principles and practices of sound money management, counseling tools, and referral services.
Secretary of the Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 1740.4A, “Department of the Navy Personal Financial Management (PFM) Education, Training, and Counseling Program,” April 23, 2019 This Instruction establishes Department of the Navy policy and assigns responsibilities for the implementation of PFM education, training, and counseling programs.
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction 1740.5D, “United States Navy Personal Financial Management Program,” October 24, 2017 This Instruction implements a comprehensive personal financial management education, training, and counseling program that emphasizes a proactive, career lifecycle approach to service members’ personal financial responsibility and accountability. It also provides basic principles and practices of sound money management, counseling tools, and referral services.
OPNAVINST 1754.1B, “Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) Program,” November 5, 2007 This Instruction establishes Navy policy and procedures for the administration and support of FFSC programs including the personal financial management program.
Secretary of the Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 1740.4A, “Department of the Navy Personal Financial Management (PFM) Education, Training, and Counseling Program,” April 23, 2019 This Instruction establishes Department of the Navy policy and assigns responsibilities for the implementation of PFM education, training, and counseling programs.
SECNAVINST 1754.1B, “Department of the Navy Family Support Programs,” September 27, 2005 This Instruction revises Department of the Navy policy and assigns responsibilities for the implementation of the Navy and Marine Corps Family Support Programs and key functions. Personal financial management is identified as a DoD-directed Core Program.
Air Force
Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2906, “Personal Financial Responsibility,” May 13, 2021 This Instruction establishes administration and management guidelines for alleged delinquent financial obligations and processing claims.
AFI 36-3009, “Airman and Family Readiness Centers,” May 10, 2019 This Instruction provides the authority and criteria for the establishment of the Airman and Family Readiness Centers including personal financial readiness services.