The following memorandum and policy updates offer guidance for service providers when working with members of the military facing service-related disabilities.
Policy Guidance for the Disability Evaluation System and Establishment of Recurring Directive-Type Memoranda, May 3, 2007
This directive-type memorandum establishes updated Department of Defense (DOD) guidance for the overall management of the Disability Evaluation System and issues policy. It supplements 000 Directive 1332.18, “Separation or Retirement for Physical Disability,” November 4, 1996.
Standards for Determining Unfitness Due to Medical Impairment (Deployability), December 19, 2007 This DTM provides supplemental and clarifying guidance on standards for determining unfitness due to medical impairment within the Disability Evaluation System (DES). The change promulgated by this memorandum is the revision of guidance pertaining to the use of “deployability” for medical separations.
Implementing Disability-Related Provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, March 13, 2008 This DTM provides supplemental and clarifying guidance on implementing those disability-related provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2008 (Pub L. 110-181) which are time-sensitive and impact immediate decisions pertaining to the rating of conditions and the calculation of separation severance pay.
Implementing Disability-Related Provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, October 14, 2008 This policy memorandum provides supplemental and clarifying guidance on implementing those disability-related provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 (Pub 1. 11 0-181), which are time-sensitive and impact immediate decisions pertaining to the rating of conditions and the operations of medical and physical evaluation boards.
Policy and Procedural Update for the Disability Evaluation System (DES) Pilot Program, December 11, 2008 This policy memorandum establishes the scope, policy, responsibilities, and implementing instructions for the Disability Evaluation System (DES) Pilot. The DES Pilot will test an enhanced process designed to deliver faster, more consistent disability evaluations and compensation to wounded, ill and injured Service members and veterans. The attached guidance applies only to the DES Pilot.
Expedited DES Process for Members with Catastrophic Conditions and Combat-Related Causes, January 6, 2009 This memorandum establishes policy that allows the Secretary concerned to expedite a member through the Disability Evaluation System (DES). The expedited DES process is a special benefit to those Service members who sustain catastrophic injuries or illnesses from combat or combat-related operations as defined in this policy. The establishment of this policy supports the Department’s belief that there must be a special process for those members who sustain catastrophic disabilities while participating in combat or combat-related operations, in contrast with those disabled otherwise. It is a voluntary program.
VA-DOD MOA: Expansion of the DOD/VA Integrated Pilot Disability Evaluation System (IPDES) Providing a Single Evaluation/Transition Medical Examination and Single Source Disability Rating, January 16, 2009 This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) supersedes a previous MOA, dated November 6, 2007, “Implementation of a Single Disability Evaluation of Transition Medical Examination to be used in the DOD Disability Evaluation System and in VA Disability Compensation and Pension Determinations, in a pilot program in the National Capital Region (NCR).”
Policy on Cross-Service Support, and Service Organization Role at Disability Evaluation System (DES) Pilot Locations, March 29, 2010 This memorandum provides additional guidance to the Military Departments on Service members needing DES processing at a sister-Service location participating in the DES Pilot. It also requires Military Departments to inform Service members that they can seek assistance in the DES process from VA-approved service organizations.
VA-DOD MOA: Processing Payment for Disability Compensation and Pension Examinations in the Integrated Disability Evaluation System, June 16, 2010 This Memorandum of Agreement establishes expected roles, procedures, and outcomes for VA and DOD regarding the processing of Compensation and Pension disability examination requests. It also addresses the reimbursement procedures for these examinations.