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Transition Assistance Program Department of Defense Policy

Military programs are governed by federal law, Defense Department policy and additional policies specific to the branches of service. Below are the DOD policies that govern the Transition Assistance Program in the military.

DOD Directive 1332.35, Transition Assistance for Military Personnel, Sept. 26, 2019. This directive describes responsibilities for transition assistance programs for active-duty military personnel and their families and directs the services to provide separating service members and their families with the skills, tools and self-confidence necessary to ensure successful reentry into the civilian workforce.

The Memorandum of Understanding among the Departments of Defense, Labor, Education, Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security in conjunction with the Small Business Administration and the Office of Personnel Management regarding the Transition Assistance Program for Separating Service Members, Jan. 31, 2014. This MOU provides guidance for TAP and Disabled TAP in accordance with the current MOU.

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