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MilFam 101 Courses Help Improve Family Readiness

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MilFam 101 focuses on supporting new military family readiness service providers but can also be a great refresher for seasoned team members. The courses complement existing training by providing a high-level overview of how integrated programs and services contribute to the Military Family Readiness System. Command teams, including leaders, their spouses and unit family readiness volunteers, can also benefit from completing the courses.

Course content is applicable across services and installations. Learn more about:

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How Military Family Readiness Programs address identified needs of service members and their families

Image of Deployment Backpack

Military Family Readiness Programs and services available within the Military Family Readiness System

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The role of military family readiness service providers in building resilience and readiness in our military community

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How the Training Action Plan tool can help users chart a course for continued professional development. Training Action Plans can also be shared to enhance existing training and professional development plans.

Sign-up is easy and secure through MilLife Learning, and courses are available at no cost. For more information about each module, visit the overview of MilFam 101 courses on Military OneSource.

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