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MilTax Free Tax Services Now Available for 2025 Tax Filing Season

The Defense Department’s free tax preparation and e-filing software for service members and their families is now available for the 2025 tax season.

Military OneSource MilTax is designed to handle complex military-specific tax scenarios such as deployments and multistate filings and includes free one-on-one help from specially trained tax experts. With MilTax, service members and immediate family members can file their federal return and up to three state tax returns for free. Survivors are eligible for MilTax, and recent veterans can access it up to 365 days from their separation or retirement.

“Our goal is to empower members of the military community to remain focused and mission-ready by addressing life’s challenges efficiently,” said Kelly Smith, associate director of Military Community Support Programs. “During tax season, financial stress can weigh heavily on service members and their families. That’s why Military OneSource MilTax is here to ease the burden with free consultations, tax preparation and e-filing services.”

Eligibility is verified through the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, or DEERS.

More information is available at MilTax Free Tax Services or by calling Military OneSource at 800-342-9647.

About Military OneSource

Military OneSource is a DOD-funded program that is both a call center and a website providing comprehensive information, resources and assistance on every aspect of military life. Service members and the families of active duty, National Guard and reserve (regardless of activation status), Coast Guard members when activated for the Navy, DOD expeditionary civilians and survivors are eligible for Military OneSource services, which are available worldwide 24 hours a day, seven days a week, free to the user.

About Military Community and Family Policy

Military Community and Family Policy is directly responsible for establishing and overseeing quality of life policies and programs that help our service members, their families and survivors be well and mission ready. Military OneSource is the gateway to programs and services that support the everyday needs of the 5.2 million service members and immediate family members of the military community. These DOD services can be accessed 24/7/365 around the world.

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