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The Paths to Marine Corps Officer Candidates School

OCS training

Becoming a Marine Corps officer starts at Officer Candidates School, a 10-week program in Quantico, Virginia. Candidates are evaluated on leadership, academics and physical training.

There are several paths to Marine Corps OCS.

Candidates are nominated to the U.S. Naval Academy by a member of Congress or the president of the United States. The four-year program begins with Plebe Summer, seven weeks of physical training, naval education, and moral and ethical development.

Marine Corps graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission as a second lieutenant before moving on to Officer Candidates School.

College students enrolled full time in any accredited college or university may pursue a commission in the Marine Corps without interrupting their studies. The Platoon Leaders Class offers two training options:

  • Two six-week summer training sessions for college freshmen and sophomores
  • One 10-week training session for college juniors

College students in this four-year military scholarship program attend class, receive military education and participate in Marine Corps training courses while working toward their degree.

Graduates continue training at Officer Candidates School after receiving their bachelor’s degree.

Active-duty enlisted Marines with a bachelor’s degree who demonstrate exceptional leadership and a desire to advance may apply to Officer Candidates School.

The MECEP program offers enlisted Marines who demonstrate exceptional leadership and a desire to advance the chance to go to a four-year college full time while maintaining active-duty status and pay.

Commanding officers may nominate qualified enlisted Marines in the Marine Corps Active Reserve Program to Officer Candidates School and subsequent commissioning in the Marine Corps Reserve.

Candidates must have an associate degree or 75 credit hours of actual college work.

The Basic School and specialized training

Upon completing Officer Candidates School, candidates are commissioned as officers in the Marine Corps. Then they move on to further education and training.

The Basic School

The first stop after OCS is The Basic School in Quantico, Virginia. During this six-month program, newly commissioned officers develop the leadership, knowledge and esprit de corps that define the Marine Corps.

The Basic School builds on everything learned so far. It includes a five-day offensive/defensive exercise and a four-day combat exercise, beginning with a helicopter assault.

During The Basic School, officers select a career path in ground, aviation, law or cyber.

Specialized training

Specialized training follows The Basic School. Newly commissioned officers will receive training in a military occupational specialty at ground, flight or Naval justice school. Specialized training lasts from six weeks to 24 months, depending on the specialty.

Learn more about joining the Marine Corps as a commissioned officer by contacting a recruiter or calling Military OneSource at 800-342-9647.

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