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Preparing for Deployment

Find resources to get organized and prepared for deployment — from legal documentation, finances, family care plans and more.

Being deployment ready is part of military life. You may be prepared for duty, but make sure to get organized on the homefront too.

Learn about creating or updating essential legal documents, organizing your finances, creating a family care plan and designing a contingency plan in case things change. Get organized and prepared for your sake and your family’s.

Let us help you prepare for deployment.
Image of Phone Blue 800-342-9647
Service members departing from an airplane

Need military deployment support?

Sometimes even the best made plans benefit from a little reinforcement.

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Official Military OneSource Website

Plan My Deployment

If you are scheduled to deploy in the near future, check out this website.

Military OneSource Services for Preparing for Deployment

Still Need Help? Connect with an expert 24/7/365

We get MilLife and we’re here 24/7 to connect you to the right kind of expert guidance — from quick answers about specific issues, to personalized coaching, to confidential counseling.

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