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Understanding Military Funeral Honors


Military funeral honors provides a final tribute to eligible veterans and a meaningful ceremony to their families. Military OneSource provides information to help you navigate the process to arrange military funeral honors.

Military Funeral Honors Directory

Funeral planners or family members of eligible deceased veterans may request funeral honors by contacting a representative at the number listed in the Military Funeral Honors Directory for their area. They can also reach out to the program manager overseeing the Military Funeral Honors program for their service branch.

Determining eligibility for military funeral honors

Funeral honors are provided to demonstrate the military and the nation’s deep gratitude for honorable service. Depending on discharge status and other factors, most veterans, active-duty service members and certain civilian or contractual groups who have been given active-duty determination are eligible for such honors. Read more information on eligibility for Military Funeral Honors.

What to expect during Military Funeral Honors

Some of the traditions of Military Funeral Honors are well-known, such as the folding of the flag, the playing of Taps and the presence of a uniformed detail. Visit What to Expect During Military Funeral Honors or watch the Military Funeral Honors course for more information about what a family of an eligible veteran can expect.


Get the support you need when navigating the process

Your funeral director/planner can help you request Military Funeral Honors, and guide you to the necessary forms and applications, from determining eligibility to working with local veterans’ organizations. Military funeral honors are available at no cost to the family.


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