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Military Housing: First Time Living on an Installation

Child high fiving adult at community event

Living on a military installation for the first time can be a great opportunity to connect with other service members and military families and become part of a global service-oriented community. Installation living enables service members to be close to work and allows families to save money on rent and utilities.

Living in unaccompanied housing, or barracks, as a single service member

During basic training and initial job training, all enlisted service members are required to live in the barracks. When service members move to their permanent duty station, only single members are required to live in barracks. While there are high expectations for cleanliness and some restrictions, barracks living can be similar to apartment or dorm living, allowing service members quiet space to decompress, hang out with others, play video games and more.

Every service branch differs on the rank required to live in unaccompanied housing:

  • Army and Marine Corps require single service members with paygrades E-5 and below to live in the barracks.
  • Navy requires single service members with paygrades E-4 and below to live in the barracks.
  • Air Force requires single service members with paygrades E-4 and below and with less than three years of service to live in the barracks, or dorms as they like to call them.

As you climb the ranks, your living situation will change over time. After living in the barracks, you will have the option to live in military housing on base, a military community off base, or you can choose to make your own living arrangements off base. To learn more about your new installation and the housing accommodations, go to MilitaryINSTALLATIONS and click on your installation.

The Relocation Assistance Program or housing office can help you sort through your options if you’re single and not required to live on base.

Advantages of installation living for service members and families

A big advantage to living on an installation is convenience. Everything from child care and medical treatment to libraries, playgrounds, recreational facilities and grocery shopping — are all available close to home. If you’re considering living on an installation or have moved to one for the first time, here are some programs and resources you’ll want to explore.

Your installation Military and Family Support Center is your go-to location for all types of assistance. Learn about the comprehensive network of support programs and services offered by the Military Family Readiness System. Resources include:

  • Loan closets
  • Newcomer briefings
  • Family Readiness Groups
  • Deployment support
  • Family life education and counseling
  • Spouse education and career services
  • Financial readiness

Learn more about the variety of military child care program options, including installation child development centers, school-age child care, youth and teen programs, sponsorships and more. Contact your installation child development center or youth center for information about local programs.

Installation school liaisons offer a wide range of support with education-related issues for children in grades pre-K through 12. Before your move, ask your current school liaison to connect you to your future installation’s school liaison to ensure a smooth transition for your children. Contact your installation School Liaison Program office for more information.

School liaisons can assist with a number of education issues including helping you:

  • Choose the right school for your child’s needs
  • Transfer credits and register at your new school
  • Locate after-school activities
  • Find a tutor
  • Access deployment support
  • Connect you to EFMP services

Watch this video to learn more about how school liaisons can help your military-connected student make a smooth transition.

Your installation commissary and exchange offers more than just savings on groceries and electronics. Learn about resources such as scholarships, employment, healthy living recipes and more.

Need help transferring your professional license or finding a job in your new location? Learn more about tools and programs available to help military spouses with employment, education, family counseling and more.

Still have questions or need help finding resources? Military OneSource consultants are available 24/7 to help answer your questions and connect you with the support you need. Call us at 800-342-9647, use OCONUS calling options or start a live chat.

Learn about military bases worldwide. Get installation overviews, check-in procedures, housing, neighborhood information, contacts for programs and services, photos and more.

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