Updated: Jan. 28, 2022
The Air Force inspection standard for household goods, unaccompanied baggage, non-temporary storage and local move shipments into, out of or within a transportation officer’s area of responsibility has increased from 50 to 80 percent.
In accordance with AFI 24-602, Volume 4, paragraph 11.1., Air Force personal property program offices should offer one-on-one counseling to all service members:
Personal property offices will provide one-on-one counseling to all members as the norm. Group counseling and self-counseling through the Defense Personal Property System may be used where mission or unique circumstances dictate.
For more specific information, view:
Air Force Instruction 24-602, Volume 4, Oct. 15, 2020, Personal Property Moving and Storage
Excerpt: Personal Property Activity Headquarters Advisory, Nov. 2, 2017, PPA-17-019
Be Advised: As a result of MAJCOM feedback, and the recent USTRANSCOM HHG operational planning team results, HQ USAF/A4L has identified two key changes that can be implemented immediately to increase quality and improve our customer’s moving experience.
Action: Effectively immediately, the Air Force inspection standard for household goods, or HHG, unaccompanied baggage, non-temporary storage, and local move shipments into, out of, or within a transportation officer’s area of responsibility is increased from 50% to 80%. Additionally, personal property offices will provide one-on-one counseling to all members as the norm. Group counseling and self-counseling through the Defense Personal Property System may be used where mission or unique circumstances dictate.
Excerpt: Procedural Guidance to Institute Household Goods Movement Program Improvements
In concert with guidance issued by HQ USAF/A4L, PPA HQ is providing procedural guidance for personal property counseling and execution of 80% HHG inspections. The following applies:
Counseling: Face-to-face entitlement and pre-move counseling is a key component to ensuring our members and employees experience a successful move.
- One-on-one counseling – “in office” entitlement and pre-move counseling session. Use of “remote” counseling instruments such as Skype/video teleconference, etc. is encouraged. Provides an avenue to return time to those personal assigned to geographically separated locations who travel distances to receive assistance.
- Group counseling – conducted in mass, typically prearranged, for target audience/populous. Executed commonly for service academy graduates, technical training students/professional military education graduates, etc. seeking assistance with arrangement of movement and/or storage of personal property.
- Self-counseling – reserved for individuals who choose to complete requirements online prior to submittal of completed documents to personnel at the traffic management office, or TMO, who will provide face-to-face counseling/assistance. A comprehensive review of all documents by counselors is required.
Inspection: evaluation of transportation service provider, or TSP, performance and an avenue to assist members, employees and their families with aspects of personal property movement and/or storage.
Counseling: Sessions will include information/actions essential to preparing member(s)/employee(s) for successful move(s). Specific emphasis will be placed on Joint Travel Regulation, or JTR, authorizations, Defense Transportation Regulation, or DTR, procedures and compliance items identified in AFI 24-602, Volume 4, Personal Property Moving and Storage communicator. Emphasize all applicable HHG, UB, NTS, PPM, and POV elements. (Note: The counselor and member/employee must sign the DD Form 1797 in person.)
Inspections: On-site inspections are critical to providing a quality move for our customers. See AFI 24-602, Chapter 14, paragraph 14.1.1. for stipulations. 80% inspection of all HHG, UB, NTS and local move shipments into, out of, or within a transportation officer’s area of responsibility is required. In order to conduct inspections, utilize transportation systems and, when needed, coordinate with personal property shipping office(s) and TSPs to ensure shipment are identified in advance of pack, pick up, and delivery date(s). For inspector guidelines, reference DTR, Part IV, Appendix P.
As noted, the current Air Force Manpower Standard 42C1 and Variance A.4.6. provide manpower resources needed to execute these mandated initiatives. PPA HQ is standing by to assist units with addressing issues that hinder compliance with HQ USAF/A4L guidance.