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Military Sponsorship

Benefit overview

When you PCS, the first days on a new installation are bound to be an adventure. That’s where military sponsorship comes in, offering something no briefing memo can — a friendly face and a wealth of personal experience and local knowledge.

  • Sponsors are assigned through your unit before you PCS, but if you need assistance or haven’t been assigned a sponsor, contact your installation Military and Family Support Center for assistance.
  • Typically, sponsors are matched by rank and family status, so if you have school-age children, for example, your sponsor will already know about schools, activities and other resources.
  • You will work with your sponsor throughout the moving process. Requirements for sponsors vary by service.
  • Once you arrive, your sponsor may want to meet with you and your family to show you around or help you through in-processing.

How this benefit helps

Sponsorship can help service members and their families settle in quicker at their new installation.

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Sponsors can share personal experience about temporary lodging and other local housing options.

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Medical services

If you choose, sharing more personal information such as a family member’s medical situation or special needs allows your sponsor to connect you with resources and information more effectively.

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Child care

Sponsors can help connect you to installation and community-based child care options for your family.

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Employment opportunities for family members

Sponsors can connect you with helpful employment resources offered through your installation Military and Family Support Center.

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School selection

Different installations, states and countries offer varied educational options for military-connected children. Find out what’s available at your new duty station.

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Activities and entertainment

Finding fun and enjoyable activities, as well as meeting new people, help all family members settle into their new home. Find out what’s available nearby.

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Moving with pets

If you have pets, your sponsor can crowd source or share personal experiences with care and considerations for your furry family members.

Moving sponsorship versus command sponsorship

Be sure not to confuse a moving sponsor with command sponsorship.

  • The military-wide sponsorship program is a benefit available to all military families no matter where they are moving.
  • Command sponsorship, or “accompanied orders,” is a designation for families moving overseas. If you have command sponsorship, it will appear on your orders and provide several benefits to families during and after the move. Learn about command sponsorship.

How to get the most out of your sponsorship

Here are some tips for making the most of the sponsorship program:

  • Reach out to your assigned sponsor for resources. Feel free to start the conversation if you have questions or concerns.
  • Help your sponsor get to know you and your family. Sharing the names and ages of your children or talking about your housing and child care needs can get the conversation started. And don’t forget to share your arrival date and travel plans — your sponsor may offer to meet you at the airport.
  • If you choose, sharing more personal information such as a family member’s medical situation or special needs allows your sponsor to connect you with resources and information more effectively.
  • MilitaryINSTALLATIONS is a great place to get a feel for your new duty station, and from there, your sponsor can fill in the details. Search for programs, services, and state and neighborhood resources.
  • Finally, if you’re moving overseas, a sponsor’s experience in the host country can be particularly helpful with navigating the culture, language, driving rules, currency exchange, climate and much more.

Sponsorship course

Learn more about how having a sponsor can help with your military move or how to become a sponsor to others through the eSponsorship Application and Training, or eSAT, course.


The eSAT course is free and available through MilLife Learning. Log in or register to get started.

Take the course

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