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Understanding Moving Claims


When a move doesn’t go as smoothly as hoped, service members are entitled to receive compensation for lost or damaged property as well as expenses incurred due to a lapse in service. Service members are highly encouraged to file claims in these instances.

Learn about the various types of claims and how to file for each below.

Who to contact with questions about moving claims

If you have questions about filing moving claims, you can contact any of the following:

  • Your transportation service provider, or TSP
  • Your local transportation office (use the MilitaryINSTALLATIONS tool to find the contact information)
  • Your service branch military claims office (view the service branch moving assistance section for contact links)
  • PCSmyPOV (International Auto Logistics website)

Personal property claims

Ready to file your moving claim?

Log in to DPS and click on “Start My Loss and Damage Report.”

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If any of your household goods are lost, damaged or destroyed during your move, you may be entitled to full replacement/repair value of those items.

This includes items that have been transported via the following move types:

  • Household goods, or HHG
  • Unaccompanied baggage, or UB
  • Non-temporary storage, or NTS
  • Direct procurement method, or DPM

Follow the steps below when filing a claim.

Note: What does “full replacement value” mean?
When you are moving with the military, your items are insured at “full replacement/repair value,” or FRV, at no additional cost to you. Essentially, this means that if an item is lost or destroyed during the move, the TSP is obligated to pay the lesser of the replacement/repair costs.

If replacement cost is offered, it should replace the item with the same or similar item. The replacement item could be new or used. The TSP will still require proof of the item’s value, quality and evidence of the cost to replace it.

If the item can be repaired, as determined by a qualified inspector, and the repair cost is less than the replacement, the TSP may pay for the repair.

The first step in initiating a claim is to give your TSP a written notice listing all the missing or damaged items for which you intend to file a claim.

You do not need to give the full details about each item (which is done during the itemized claim filing process), but you do need to at least name each item, provide its inventory number and include a brief description of loss or damage in your notification before the 180-day deadline in order to qualify for the full FRV.

You can give multiple notifications during that 180-day time frame if you discover additional items after your initial notification.

You can submit this notice in two ways:

  1. Review and sign the Notification for Loss and Damage At Delivery form given to you by the delivery crew on your delivery day. (Verify that the moving company contact information is clearly listed on the form.)
  2. Submit the Notification of Loss and Damage After Delivery form in the Defense Personal Property System, or DPS. (DPS is the portal where you originally scheduled your move. Click on “Start My Loss & Damage Report” to find that form.)

Note Rule Change: The 180 calendar days timeframe only applies to HHG shipments picked up on or after May 15, 2020 (and NTS shipments picked up on or after July 1, 2021). Shipments picked up prior to those dates still adhere to the previous 75 calendar day timeframe.

After giving notice of loss or damage, you must file an itemized claim in DPS for every item that was lost or damaged during the moving process. (Exemption: For NTS and DPM shipments, your claim is not filed in DPS but instead can be submitted directly to your TSP via email, fax or mail.)

You will have up to nine months to file a claim for the full replacement/repair value of the item(s) you are claiming. If the claim is filed more than nine months from the f date, you will only be eligible for a depreciated value.

Before you log in to DPS, save yourself some time by gathering as much of the information below as possible. The more details you can provide about your items, the better.

If you have before and after photos or receipts of the item, that will make the process easier for you. Learn more about how to inventory your belongings.

Here is an example of the data you may need for replacement or repair of a damaged appliance:

  • Manufacturer: Samsung
  • Brief description of item: Front-load washing machine, model number ABC12345
  • Inventory item number: 78
  • Cost at purchase: $1,000
  • Year of purchase: 2016
  • Description of damage: Plexiglas on washing machine door has been broken.
  • Repair estimate (optional): $250 from Samsung Repair Wizard
  • Photos and receipts (if available).

After you have submitted the claim, the TSP must confirm receipt of your claim within 15 calendar days.

The TSP is then responsible for assessing the value of your property and may send someone to inspect the damaged property, repair items or pick up any items that are damaged to the extent repair is not feasible. They are required to share those assessment reports with you upon written request. If an item(s) is lost, the TSP will start a tracer to locate your goods.

The TSP must pay, deny or make an offer within 30 calendar days on all claims valued at $1,000 or less and 60 calendar days on claims over $1,000.

In most cases you will be offered a cash payment, but you may also be offered a second option of a replacement item delivered in lieu of cash. If your moving company presents both options, you can choose the option you prefer.

You will have the opportunity to accept or make a counteroffer for each item, and the TSP must respond to your reply within seven calendar days. Remember, this is a negotiation, so you may counteroffer if you feel the offer amount is not appropriate and the item is not marked as “Final.”

Offers for claims entered in DPS or communicated via email will be honored.

In the case of two differing offers, the one most advantageous (i.e., higher dollar value) to the customer will be honored. TSPs will update DPS with the final dollar amount when settled.

For shipments involving multiple providers (NTS and DPM), the delivering TSP must notify you and the appropriate military claims office, or MCO, within three business days if they are denying liability for the loss or damage.

In these cases, it is recommended that you transfer your claim to the MCO, who will work on your behalf to determine which parties are responsible for the claimed item(s).

Note: If the TSP has stopped communication, do not dispose of, obtain a repair estimate or repair any items in your claim without first contacting the MCO for approval.

The TSP should provide you with an itemized listing of their offer for each of your items. You may respond by accepting or rejecting the offer for each individual item.

If you are using DPS, you must submit your final offer acceptances in the system in order to the complete the process. The TSP (to include NTS and DPM) is then required to make payment or repairs within 30 calendar days of an agreed-upon settlement.

If an item is being repaired, the TSP must hire a repair company no later than 20 calendar days from claim submission and have that repair company inspect the item within 45 calendar days.

For any items that have been designated as “salvage items,” the TSP must take possession of those items at your residence or other location you deem acceptable.

The pickup must occur no later than 30 calendar days from the TSP’s notification from the repair firm that an item is beyond repair or within 20 calendar days of inspection (to include virtual), whichever occurs first. The pickup period can be extended by an agreement between you and the TSP in writing.

Note: DO NOT FEEL PRESSURED. Accept an offer only if you are completely satisfied with the amount.

If you are unable to come to an agreement with the TSP for some or all of your items, or they have not communicated with you for more than 30 calendar days, your next step is to transfer the claim to your military claims office, or MCO.

The MCO will take over from there, but it’s important that you stay in close contact with them throughout the process.

You have two years from delivery date to transfer your claim to your MCO. You will receive a depreciated value for the item(s) upfront, and then your MCO will continue to negotiate for the full replacement value on your behalf.

If they are successful in recouping funds from the TSP, you will receive the difference up to the full replacement/repair value, or FRV.

Note: All transferred claims are handled by the MCOs outside of DPS. After transferring your claim in DPS, contact your MCO for additional guidance. Any further communication with the MCO will occur external to DPS.

Below is a summary of the dates described above. It is important that you stay proactive throughout the claims process, and it’s recommended you follow up well before these timelines.

You can download the Personal Property Claims Fact Sheet to use as a reference guide.

Delivery day: (Optional) Complete and sign a Notification for Loss and Damage At Delivery form.

Up to 180 calendar days after delivery date: Submit the Notification of Loss and Damage After Delivery form. (Note: for HHG shipments picked up prior to May 15, 2020, and NTS shipments picked up prior to July 1, 2021, you have 75 calendar days to report loss or damage.)

Up to nine months after delivery date: Submit your itemized claim for any lost or damaged items.

Between nine months and 2 years after delivery day: Contact your service branch military claims office, or MCO, for help receiving depreciated replacement value or repair cost, whichever is the lesser of the two.

30-60 calendar days after claim submission: For household goods shipments picked up May 15, 2020, and after, your TSP should pay, deny or make an offer on all claims valued at $1,000 or less within 30 calendar days of receipt of the claim submission and within 60 calendar days for all claims over $1,000.

(Note: For shipments picked up prior to May 15, 2020, the timeframe is 60 calendar days for all dollar amounts.)

Quick claim settlement option

Instead of using the filing method described above, you may file a quick claim settlement, if the delivering TSP offers, outside of DPS to promptly resolve minor loss or damage.

Quick claim amounts will not exceed $1,000 total for shipments picked up before May 15, 2022, or $1,500 total for shipments picked up on or after May 15, 2022.

You will file paperwork on delivery day with the TSP, and payment will be sent within five calendar days of claim submission. While you cannot file claims on those specific items later, you may still use DPS to file claims for other lost or damaged items discovered after delivery.

Essential items option

Essential items are only those items necessary for everyday living. Items used solely for entertainment purposes are not considered essential.

Fungible items that are regularly used up or worn out and must be routinely replaced are not considered essential. (Examples of fungible items include unopened products such as food, cosmetics, cleaning supplies, etc.)

Essential items include, but are not limited to:

  • Refrigerators or other appliances necessary for the safe storage and preparation of food
  • Necessary medical equipment
  • Mattresses
  • Washer and dryer

If one of your essential items is lost or damaged, you should notify the TSP within seven days of delivery. The TSP has two business days from notification to review and respond to your claim.

Depending on the item and the damage, the TSP may make you an offer, which could include either a payment, a permanent replacement item, or a temporary replacement item (e.g., rental) to use while your damaged item is undergoing repairs. Keep in mind that every situation is unique, and the TSP will help select the option that best fits your situation.

If you have questions or concerns about a claim regarding an essential item, contact your service’s Military Claims Office for assistance.

Residential damage claims

If your TSP causes any damage to your home or residence, you can file a Real Property Damage claim to be reimbursed. Follow these steps to file a Real Property Damage claim.

Conduct a pre and post walk-around with the TSP and note any damage, both interior and exterior, in writing. Take pictures for your records. An example of damage might include scratched hardwood floors, dented walls, torn grass, etc.

Contact the TSP directly within seven calendar days from the last date they were at your residence. The TSP may require you to submit a DP3 Real Property Damage Form.

The TSP may schedule an inspection within 15 calendar days of notification. They will arrange for a repair firm to inspect your property damage.

The repair estimate will be shared with you to determine payment. The TSP may also decide to pay your claim up front without an inspection being completed.

If you have any problems negotiating settlement, you may contact your local transportation office or MCO for further guidance. Use the MilitaryINSTALLATIONS tool to find the contact information for your local transportation office.

Be aware that they may suggest you consult with your local legal office and seek assistance from an attorney.

Inconvenience claims

If TSP does not meet required pickup and delivery dates and you were not able to use necessary items to establish your new household, you may qualify for an inconvenience claim, paid by TSP, to offset expenses caused by that inconvenience. A claim is authorized and payable when:

  • The TSP fails to pick up a shipment on the agreed date.
  • The TSP fails to deliver on or before the required delivery date, provided you are in possession of residence and are available to receive the delivery.
  • The TSP places your shipment into storage in transit, or SIT, at the destination location without notifying you, unless your TSP has documented two unsuccessful attempts to contact you (each attempt must be at least six hours apart).
  • You have requested for your shipment to be released from SIT at the destination and the carrier is unable to deliver the shipment out of SIT within the following dates:
    • Within seven government business days from the date you make your first contact requesting delivery, or
    • Within two government business days when your requested delivery date is more than seven business days out

Note: The above rules do not apply to SIT at origin shipments. Please talk with your moving company and local transportation office for details regarding this specific situation.

You will be notified by your TSP if a delay is expected to occur with your shipment. This normally happens a few days prior to the scheduled delivery day but could be as late as on the day of scheduled delivery. To begin filing an inconvenience claim, you should:

  • Notify your TSP that you intend to file a claim and ask for the inconvenience claim form if they have not already offered it to you.
  • Fill out and return the form to your TSP.

The TSP must acknowledge your intent to file an inconvenience claim within five business days of being contacted by you or your local transportation office.

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Contact your local transportation office.

Contact your local transportation office if the TSP does not offer you the inconvenience claim form or you need further assistance.

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Use MilitaryINSTALLATIONS for local information.

Use the MilitaryINSTALLATIONS tool to find the contact information for your local transportation office.

For household good shipments picked up May 15, 2020, or later (and NTS shipments picked up July 1, 2021, or later), instead of submitting receipts for the first seven days you have the option to receive a baseline reimbursement of the local per diem 100% rate for meals and incidental expenses.

The local per diem rate is for the member only. (Visit the Defense Travel Management Office website to get meals and incidental expenses per diem rates.)

If your expenses were more than the local per diem rate, you can choose to submit receipts for those first seven days and get paid for the total cost of your actual out-of-pocket expenses. After the first seven days (starting on the eighth day), the baseline reimbursement option no longer applies, and you will need to submit receipts for your out-of-pocket expenses.

Unaccompanied baggage shipment claims are not paid based on per diem and require receipts showing actual expenses.

Tangible household items paid for by the TSP may be reclaimed upon delivery of your shipment. Contact your TSP before purchasing any out-of-pocket expenses to avoid issues.

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Find information about filing an inconvenience claim.

Download the Filing an Inconvenience Claim Handout to use as a reference guide.

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Find meals and incidentals per diem rates.

Visit the Defense Travel Management Office website to get meals and incidental expense per diem rates.

Privately owned vehicle, or POV, claims

You have two options for filing a POV loss or damage claim:

  1. Onsite settlement: File a claim (valued at $1,500 or less) at the Vehicle Processing Center during pickup. Payment will be sent electronically to your bank account.
  2. International Auto Logistics, or IAL, claim: Obtain an estimate from a repair facility of your choice and submit to the IAL claims office. You will have 10 business days to file a claim for loss and/or damage discovered after picking up your POV from the Vehicle Processing Center, or VPC.

    IAL will review, process and settle your claim within 40 days from the date you filed a claim.

    For more information, contact the IAL claims department toll free at 855-389-9499 and select “claims” from the voice menu. Claims may be emailed to

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Find International Auto Logistics claims information.

You can access IAL’s claims information at PCSmyPOV or review the POV claims brochure for more details on this topic.

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Learn how to transfer your claim to your service branch MCO.

If you are unable to settle your claim directly with IAL, you can transfer your claim to your service branch military claims office, or MCO.

Visit Personal Property Customer Service Contacts and look under the service branch moving assistance section for contact information.

POV inconvenience claims

If you’re a service member, you may be reimbursed for rental car and lodging expenses if your POV is not available for pick-up on the required delivery date.

The government will reimburse you up to $30 per day for the first seven calendar days, not to exceed $210. After that time, the contractor may be responsible for paying inconvenience claims over the government’s maximum allowance.

IAL will consider your claim and pay, decline or make a firm settlement offer in writing within 40 calendar days. Once your vehicle is made available for pickup, IAL is no longer responsible for paying an inconvenience claim.

If you’re a civilian employee, you can file an inconvenience claim if your POV misses its required delivery date — even though there is no rental car authority for civilian employees. IAL will pay, decline or make a firm settlement offer to you in writing within 40 calendar days of your claim date.

Resources and benefits for Understanding Moving Claims



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