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Recent Updates to the Military OneSource Website

hands typing on laptop

Navigating is easier than ever with updates based on feedback from the military community. The updates allow users to more efficiently access the information, resources and support they need to live their best MilLife.

Fast Navigation at Your Fingertips

Whether you’re a service member, spouse, military family member or a service provider, Military OneSource is committed to providing swift and efficient access to the information and solutions you need. Watch this video to learn tips and tricks for speedy navigation on

New Category and Topic Structure

The site now features a new category and topic structure to make categories and topics more intuitive and relevant, and content easier to find. The new structure:

  • Includes a new expandable MilLife Topics menu that shows topics related to each category, so you can scan and quickly find the topics relevant to you.
  • Expands categories to bring important topics higher up in the content structure.

Screenshot of MilLife Topics dropdown

MilLife Topics – New Topic Center Format

Content has been organized into a new format making it easier for you to find the information you need, all in a central location. Each topic has been converted into a topic center that includes an overview, MilLife Guides, benefits, resources, products and articles.

The MilLife Guides organize essential topic information into one place. The benefits and resources finders allow users to view and filter benefits and resources by benefit or resource type, audience, service branch, and program or office.

Screenshot of topic center

Additional Military OneSource Account Login Methods

You now have more ways to log in to your Military OneSource account and access resources such as hourly child care service options, MilLife Learning courses, non-medical counseling and more. Review the new login enhancements that include:

  • Additional login methods via secure third-party authenticators DS Logon and
  • Two-factor authentication option for email/password accounts, extending your password life from 60 to 150 days
  • Updated self-service account reset options

Keep your eyes on the Military OneSource website for more enhancements to come in the months ahead.

Screenshot of header

Everything you need to get started is easily visible at the top of the page. Here’s what you’ll find:

  • The Menu icon has been replaced with updated main navigation using expanded menus.
  • Users can now search an expanded “I am a …” menu for content relevant to them, or browse by program or office to find content for specific MC&FP programs.
  • Live Chat appears at the top of the page in desktop view, offering a more intuitive way to connect online with a Military OneSource consultant. Continue to use the chat bubble on mobile devices.
  • An About Us link provides an easy-to-access overview of Military OneSource.
  • A Log In feature provides an easy way to log in or log out of your Military OneSource account from any page.
  • My Account offers drop-down options to manage your Military OneSource account once you log in.

Screenshot of the My Account dropdown

  • Search for content directly from the page you are on by typing your search terms into the “keyword search” field.
  • A shopping cart icon is displayed when you add a product to your cart.

Screenshot of an item in cart


The site features an updated main navigation menu, available on every page and not hidden behind a menu button. It is organized into the following topics: MilLife Topics, Benefits & Resources, I am a… and Confidential Help.

Expandable menus show what you can find under each topic.

Screenshot of main navigation

Benefits & Resources is a new section that brings benefits, resources and products together into one convenient location. It provides easy access to the product catalog, important tools and resources, links to mobile apps and the Benefits and Resources pages.

Screenshot of benefits and resources dropdown

The “I am a…” menu makes it easier to find information and resources specific to your role in the military community.

screengrab of I am a dropdown

The Confidential Help expandable menu provides an easy-to-scan view of all non-medical counseling, specialty consultations and interactive tools and services.

Screenshot of the Confidential Help dropdown

The In Crisis? option provides easy connections to multiple crisis hotlines, including the Veterans/Military Crisis Line, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Line, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Locator, and the DOD Safe Helpline – Sexual Assault Support.

Screenshot of the In Crisis? dropdown

Mobile Views — Header and Main Navigation

Tap on the red MENU button to see:

  • Main navigation items with the ability to further expand (+) to see the topics for each category
  • Military OneSource contact information

Screenshot of mobile homepage        Screenshot of mobile navigation

Screenshot of expanded MilLife Topics in mobile navigation        Screenshot of Confidential Help in mobile navigation

We continue to listen to our military community and value your feedback. Please keep an eye out for future updates to in the coming months.

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