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Military Parent Resource Center

Rock solid families start here. The following resources can help you rock your role as a military parent.


You do your best every day to make sure your children are happy and healthy — especially with the extra challenges that military life can add. From first steps to toddler tantrums, or taking care of teens, you've got solid support to help you through each step of your parenting journey.

Start here for ready resources that are used and approved by military parents for MilKids of all ages.

Infants to Preschool »

School-Age »

Youth & Teens »

Young Adults »

Support for New MilParents

Just getting started? Take the first steps with the New Parent Support Program.

Or get personalized help from a New MilParent consultant— call or chat 24/7 to schedule time to talk.

Overseas? See OCONUS calling options.

Prefer to live chat? Start now.

Resources to Support You at Every Stage

Service member holding smiling daughter

Infants to preschool

Support your little ones’ well-being and development from the start, and find the resources you need, from self-care to developing family traditions.

Children walk to school

School-age children

When children are in elementary and middle school, emotional health, academic success and dealing with moves are important and tricky. Use resources that MilParents like you rely on.

Girl taking picture with dog

Youth and teens

Between COVID-19’s social isolation and digital media, teens today face bigger challenges and experience more stress than ever. Find the resources to support your teen’s growing independence.

Young adult at college

Young adults

Launch your child successfully into adulthood with resources to help them with college scholarships, interviews, professional communication and more.

Self-care resources for military parents

We know military life can test you. Parenting will too. But we offer self-care resources to help you rest and repair so you can be there for others. And check out our specialized support for situations that require customized help.

Specialized support for military parents

We get it ― not everything comes one-size-fits-all. Here are some situations that require customized help.

For families with special needs

Your family may have special needs and considerations. Find customized resources that can help you be an exceptional guardian to your family.

For survivor families

Find the support, benefits and services to help families cope and find a new normal.

For new parents

Are you a new or expectant parent? Learn how to build healthy bonds with your little one, manage parenting stress and find important local services.

Incredible FREE resources for parents

Mother with children

The DOD MWR Libraries let you engage your family, find learning resources, identify after-school activities for youth, research tutors, tackle home improvement projects and much more — for free.

service member with daughter

The Defense Department is committed to supporting the health and well-being of all military children and families. That’s why the department partnered with the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State to develop a parenting-education program that promotes positive parenting, stress management and healthy lifestyle practices for children from birth to age 18.

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About Military OneSource

Military OneSource is your free 24/7 gateway to information, answers and support. As a Defense Department-funded program, we put expert confidential help to work for service members, their immediate family and survivors who need a little extra guidance for all things MilLife. Just ask.

Let’s talk about it.
Talking to someone about your parenting challenges can be a big help. We get the MilLife and we’re here 24/7 to connect you to the right kind of expert guidance — from quick answers about specific issues to personalized coaching to confidential counseling.

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