Millions of people each year fall victim to identity theft or military scams of some kind. If you fall prey, it can cost you money, time and lots of stress. It happens when you let your guard down. Safeguard your Social Security number, military ID and other sensitive data.
Nine ways to prevent identity theft
The rigors of military life can amplify the problems caused by identity theft. It can take months, even years, to recover. Take these steps to guard against identity theft:
- Check your credit. Federal law entitles you to a free credit report each year. Check it for suspicious activity. If you’re a deploying service member and don’t plan to seek new credit while deployed, place an active-duty alert on your credit report to reduce the risk of getting swindled.
- Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software on all your devices. Update these protections regularly.
- Shop online carefully. Provide your credit card information only on sites that use secure technology. Look for a lock icon on the status bar of your internet browser when shopping on a site.
- Don’t give out personal information online or over the phone unless you initiated the contact.
- Keep your passwords private; change them regularly. Use strong passwords (a mix of numbers, letters and symbols works best) on your laptop, other devices, and banking and credit card accounts.
- Be careful on social media. Don’t overshare as thieves can get hints to answer security questions on your accounts. Don’t post your full name, address, phone number or any account numbers on social media or over publicly accessible sites or public Wi-Fi networks.
- Don’t open phishing emails. They can be hard to spot. Be vigilant. Opening a file from someone you don’t know can launch a virus on your computer that can capture personal information.
- Keep your wallet, military ID or purse secure. Never leave them in the car. Keep your wallet or purse in a locked drawer or other safe place at work.
- Destroy certain identifying information. Delete personal information from computers, cell phones and other devices when you get rid of them. Check the owner’s manual or contact your service provider to find out how. Also, shred receipts, credit card offers, bank statements, military records and other identifying documents before discarding them.
If you do fall victim to identity theft, call your local police and take steps suggested by the Federal Trade Commission. Visit the commission’s identity theft site for more information. Tip: Alert your commanding officer to avoid potential hassles down the road. Consider contacting your legal assistance office or your Family Center to contact a personal financial counselor who may be able to help you.
Tips to avoid disaster and other scams
You’re most likely to get scammed when you’re most vulnerable or least expecting it. Scammers know this. That’s why some of the most common rip-offs involve home repair and other frauds after a natural disaster, foreclosure rescue scams, pension and charity scams. Learn how to protect yourself from:
- Con artists who prey on disaster victims. Common scams include those involving home repair frauds, fake government representatives and fake charities. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has tips for how to protect yourself.
- Foreclosure rescue scams. Having a hard time making your mortgage payments or facing foreclosure? You have options to save your home. But beware of scammers who guarantee to stop your foreclosure (no one can promise that) or tell you not to contact your lender, your lawyer or your credit housing counselor (they all can be helpful). See how to sniff out such scams with this Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation brochure.
- Sham charity operators and dishonest pension advisors. Service members, veterans and their families are targets for crooked charity operators and dishonest advisers who claim to offer free help with paperwork for pensions, including some attorneys and financial planners. Check out The U.S. Department of Justice Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative for more information.
Understanding what steps to take to get ahead of fraudsters helps to reduce your chances of getting scammed or your identity stolen. Contact Military OneSource to connect to a personal financial counselor at your installation. For additional information on how to protect yourself from scams and identity theft, check out the VA Fraud Prevention Toolkit and flyer on the Veteran Scam and Fraud Evasion initiative website.