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Relationship Checkup

Benefit overview

Regular health checkups can catch small issues before they become big problems. The same principle applies to your relationship. A Relationship Checkup with your military and family life counselor can keep your bond strong by confirming what you and your partner are doing well and identifying areas that need attention.

How this benefit works

A Relationship Checkup is an evidence-based approach to assessing your relationship and addressing any issues. Sessions are free, confidential and flexible — you and your partner will fill out an online questionnaire, then go over the results at your convenience with your MFLC. The Relationship Checkup is backed by clinical research, appropriate for any couple and proven successful in military populations.

Image of Building Healthy Relationships

The Relationship Checkup involves the following:

  • You and your partner will each complete an online questionnaire about your relationship.
  • Your responses will be analyzed and compiled into a personalized report.
  • You will meet as a couple one to three times with an MFLC to review the report, including your strengths as a couple and any areas of weakness.
  • Your MFLC will give you and your partner research-based suggestions, referrals and actionable next steps to keep your relationship strong and healthy.

How to access this benefit

Get started by scheduling your Relationship Checkup with a military and family life counselor. Find your MFLC at your installation’s Military and Family Support Center.

Find Your Family Support Center

For more relationship support, visit Military OneSource’s Re the We.

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