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Staying Resilient While Your Partner Is Deployed

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Deployments and separations are parts of military life that can present unique challenges. The prospect of managing things by yourself you are used to sharing with your partner can be overwhelming. Rest assured, there are things you can do and support you can tap to help you navigate deployment challenges. Whether you are single or have a family, the following tips and resources can help you (and your children) build resilience and stay deployment strong.

Before Deployment

As departure day nears, some spouses begin to feel:

  • Confused, stressed, resentful or depressed
  • Detached or withdrawn as their service member invests more time and commitment in the mission
  • Hopeless and impatient
  • Emotionally and physically distant

To help keep things positive and loving with your spouse during the predeployment period, remember that it’s important to:

  • Keep the lines of communication open. Talk about your feelings and discuss what you expect from each other during the deployment, including how you’ll communicate.
  • Create opportunities for lasting memories during the separation. Spend time together in a relaxed atmosphere to create memories that will sustain you during the deployment.
  • Get to know other military spouses who are going through the same experience. Get involved with family readiness activities and other unit or installation events.

During Deployment

Download the Chill Drills by Military OneSource app.

Keep calmness close by with simple audio drills designed for the military community to help manage stress.

Be positive

Don’t try to hide your feelings. It’s normal to feel sad, lonely or angry when you’ve been separated from your spouse. However, one of the most important things you can do in the face of any challenge is to be positive. Being positive doesn’t mean you ignore difficulties or hide your feelings. It means you accept whatever the situation is and trust you have the power and resources to get through it.

Two ways to practice being positive are:

  • Get comfortable with change. Try to see difficulties as puzzles to solve rather than impossible obstacles. Change may be difficult and uncomfortable, but it is an inevitable part of life. Change is also necessary for growth. Recognize even though you may feel nervous or stressed, challenges can also present opportunities to build skills, self-confidence and connections and to grow — as a person, a couple and a family.
  • Focus on things you CAN control, such as spending time with family and friends or signing up for a class or volunteer opportunity. It’s natural to dwell on what’s going wrong, but a key part of resilience is learning to pay attention to what’s going right as well. When you find yourself getting carried away by negative thoughts, stop and remind yourself of five positive things — maybe five things you’re grateful for. Count them off on your fingers. They can be simple things — the sun is shining, you’re breathing, your children are healthy, you have food in your fridge and a roof over your head. Learning to see the positive and practice gratitude helps reduce stress and build resilience.

If you have children, remember they learn as much from what their parents do as from what their parents say. When parents learn to be positive, they show children how to be positive too.

Practice healthy living

Take care of yourself. Healthy living practices are other things you can control and model for your children. If you don’t get enough sleep, eat well, exercise regularly, practice stress management and stay connected to family and friends, deployment can be a great time to start. Think about it as adding new tools to your wellness toolkit

Pick a healthy living practice that appeals to you and start adding it to your daily life. Even small steps can make a big difference — like eating one healthy meal a week, giving up your favorite snack until the weekend or exercising for 10 minutes a day. Setting new goals and learning new skills can help reduce stress and build resilience.

If you want to try a new wellness practice and aren’t sure where or how to begin, it can help to have a little support. Use these resources from Military OneSource to jump-start your healthy living practices:

Health and wellness coaching is available at no cost through Military OneSource. Coaches can help you manage your weight, stress and life transitions.

Learn some stress management techniques that work for you. Try out some different ways to relieve stress, such as an exercise class, a journal of your thoughts and feelings, meditation or deep breathing. Thrive is also a free, online parenting education course that offers tips for positive parenting, stress management and physical activities for the whole family. You can enroll in the course or check-out their downloadable parent resources.

These DOD recommended wellness apps can help you and your family build resilience anytime, anywhere. Try Breathe2Relax, Virtual Hope Box, Provider Resilience and more. Sesame Street even offers an app for children — Breathe, Think, Do. All apps are free and downloadable on iOS or Android devices.

Chill Drills is a collection of guided audio exercises available online and through the Military OneSource app. Recordings include practices for easing back pain, getting to sleep, tuning in and releasing stress as well as music to chill by. You can listen to Chill Drills without an internet connection once you download the app to your device.

Get out and connect

Your comfort zone might be at home, especially if you’re feeling stressed, but research shows getting out and connecting is good for both mental and physical health. Here are some ways to get out and connect:

Research shows that spending even 10 minutes outside can help reduce physical and mental stress and make you feel happier. So try taking a short walk or just sitting outside for 10 minutes.

Deployments can be an ideal time to visit friends or family members or have them visit you. This can also be an opportunity to start new routines with family or friends, such as regular get-togethers or special outings.

Consider joining an online community like the Military OneSource Blog Brigade. Get tips from other military spouses on MilLife and how they manage challenges throughout the deployment cycle.

Family readiness groups can help you find support from other military families, and are a great way to build lasting friendships and connect with the community. Your installation Military and Family Support Center can point you in the right direction.

Plan an event with other families who are coping with a deployment or find a support group through your military community. If you have children, you might try setting up play dates with neighbors and children from school. This gives you a chance to meet other parents, make new connections and maybe find friends you trust to trade babysitting with.

Find things to look forward to. Take a class, volunteer or start a project you’ve always wanted to do. Your installation Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs are a great resource for entertainment and recreation. Offerings vary by location but can include yoga, cooking and other classes and activities, as well as military youth and teen programs. You might also consider volunteering. Volunteering provides an opportunity to serve the community, learn new skills and create lasting friendships. Your installation Military and Family Support Center can help you find volunteer opportunities both on the installation and in the community.

Additional practical tips for during deployment

In addition to practicing healthy living and being positive, here are some other tips for building resilience during deployment.

Always have pancakes on the weekend? Try to keep it up, because consistency is good for helping children manage transitions. But maybe you can add some new family activities to get everyone involved. Try family movie or board game night or initiate after-dinner family dance time and let your children take turns picking the music. You might also get your children to help with menu planning and cooking or let them take turns choosing a weekly family activity. Getting everyone involved in planning and activities can be a good way to build confidence, learn new skills and stay connected.

While your spouse is deployed, you can expect to receive extra money. Try to avoid retail therapy, and set up a system for saving some of that extra cash. Learn more about setting savings goals and the MilSpouse Money Mission. You can also contact your installation personal financial management services office or call Military OneSource for financial counseling.

If you can afford it, even a simple getaway can be something to look forward to and talk about with your family while your partner is deployed. Learn about discounted travel, entertainment and recreation activities, including Best Kept Secrets: Joint Services Campgrounds and Facilities.

Taking good care of yourself helps you stay strong so you can take care of others. Try to schedule time for whatever kind of self-care you find most nourishing — take time for a relaxing bath, get a massage, find a babysitter and go out with friends — whatever works for you.

Homecoming and the postdeployment period

The postdeployment period can last from a few weeks to several months. Along with your relief and joy, there may be an adjustment period for you and your spouse. This may be especially difficult if your service member is having difficulty disengaging from combat or is suffering from combat stress.

There are several things you can focus on to reduce stress for you and your family:

  • Maintain a positive, nonjudgmental attitude. The right attitude will help lower stress and frustration when getting back together doesn’t seem to be going the way you expected.
  • Talk openly and honestly about your experiences during the deployment and how you’ve changed. It can help you re-establish a foundation of healthy communication and encourage your service member to trust you with his or her deployment experiences.
  • Try to be patient. It may be some time before you and your spouse feel relaxed and comfortable together.
  • Make plans. Making plans together, whether it’s for a weekend outing or something more elaborate, can help you focus on your life together and help you feel closer.

Reach out if you need support

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out for assistance. Speaking with a counselor can help you manage emotions and challenges that come up throughout the deployment cycle. The following services offer free face-to-face confidential counseling:

  • Military Family Readiness System programs and services. This network provides comprehensive support for all aspects of military family well-being. Offerings include deployment assistance, new parent and exceptional family member support, emergency financial assistance and more.
  • Military and Family Life Counseling program. This program offers no-cost, confidential consultations for both adults and children to help with deployment adjustments, stress management and more.
  • Military OneSource face-to-face counseling. In addition to confidential face-to-face counseling, you can meet with a counselor online, by phone or through secure video connection.
  • The Military and Family Life Counseling program. This service is available through your installation’s Military and Family Support Center.
  • MilSpouse Toolkit from the Building Healthy Relationships specialty consultation. Consider taking advantage of the Building Healthy Relationships free specialty consultation. From education on military culture to navigating resources, this MilSpouse Toolkit track is beneficial for new spouses who may be experiencing a disconnect from their family and need to identify a support system in their new community. This track focuses resources to assist new and current military spouses with adjustment to the military lifestyle, developing coping skills and resources for resiliency.

If you have questions or want help locating resources, call Military OneSource. Consultants are available 24/7 to help answer questions and connect you with the support to live your best MilLife. Call 800-342-9647, use OCONUS calling options in you’re living abroad or start a live chat.

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