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Air Force Exceptional Family Member Program


The Air Force Exceptional Family Member Program helps maintain the highest quality of life for families with a member who has special needs. It does this by considering and accommodating assignment coordination, Family Support information, referral and resources, community support, and medical, special educational and legal services.

How Air Force EFMP supports families

The Air Force EFMP supports families with special needs through the following components:

  • EFMP Medical provides screening, enrollment and assignment coordination through the Family Member Travel Screening process.
  • EFMP Assignments considers the medical and educational needs of the family when the required services are not available at the airman’s or guardian’s current or projected assignment location.
  • EFMP Family Support coordinates on- and off-base Family Support services based on each family’s needs assessments.

How to access this website

The Air Force EFMP website provides more information on the program and contact information for the Air Force.

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