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Defense Center of Excellence for Traumatic Brain Injury


Military Health System Centers of Excellence provide diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions that impact military personnel and their families. Centers can speed the advancement of scientific knowledge and evidence-based practices with the help of a “critical mass” of experts.

The Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence unifies a system of TBI health care. TBICoE reliably advances the science for the warfighter and stands ready to meet future brain health challenges.

The TBICoE supports, trains and monitors service members, veterans, family members and providers affected or caring for those affected by TBI. The TBICoE works at the macro level. Services include:

  • Screening and briefing service members heading into theater
  • Performing predeployment provider training at military hospitals and clinics
  • Gathering data mandated by Congress and DOD
  • Overseeing research programs

TBICoE develops educational materials for military and civilian providers, and for service members, veterans and families.

How to access this website

Visit the TBICoE to learn more about TBI and access resources specifically targeted to providers, patients and educators.

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