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Warrior Care — Caregiver Resources


The Defense Department provides resources and information for military caregivers who assist wounded, ill and injured service members. Support includes the Military Caregiver Personalized Experiences, Engagement and Resources Forum Initiative, the Caregiver Resource Directory and webinars, events and specialized resources.

How this resource helps

Information and resources are available to help empower military caregivers with all aspects of military caregiving. Caregivers can find helplines, advocacy and benefit information, career transitions and employment resources, military caregiver support, financial support and more.

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Helplines and support services.

Find resources to support recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration.

Image of Checklist

Career transitions and employment resources.

Find help with career and employment transitions.

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Financial support.

Learn about resources to help with managing money and providing financial assistance.

Image of Parents Child

Family support, including rest and relaxation, and resources to address children’s needs.

The caregiver directory can help military caregivers take care of themselves and their family members’ needs.

How to access this resource

Visit the Warrior Care Recovery Coordination Program’s caregiver resource page for more information.

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