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Budgeting and Saving


In the military, you learn to prepare for the future by using the tools at your disposal. When it comes to saving money, the military provides several tools so you can build a secure financial future. The more money you save, the more prepared you will be for opportunities or unexpected events that come your way.

You may want to buy a new car, help your children pay for college or start contributing to your retirement. Military OneSource provides the resources and information to help you master the skills of budgeting and saving so that you can build financial security.

Track your expenses

You may be surprised at how small daily costs can add up. Examine your monthly cash flow to see how much is coming in and going out. What does your housing payment look like? How much do you spend on car loans, household bills and entertainment?

To get help with tracking your expenses, there are multiple apps you can download for free. There are also many comprehensive software programs available.

Live within your means

Get on the right financial track by tracking your expenses and deciding the best ways to allocate your paycheck for long-term financial success. You’ll find ways to successfully manage your budget, great (even some easy) ways to save money and steps to take to help you live within a budget while managing to squirrel away some savings.

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Financial Calculators

Find out what calculators you can use to help you keep your budget within your means.


Reduce expenses

There are many ways to reduce expenses and save money. Start with using military discounts, reducing energy use, couponing and tapping into Defense Department travel services. Consider doing home repairs and maintenance yourself, swapping services or trading time with a neighbor.

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Be vigilant about saving money.

Make sure you allocate a certain percentage of each paycheck toward a savings or retirement account.

Pay down your debt

This is key to your budget process. You want your money going toward your needs and not to paying those interest rates. Write down each credit card’s debt and the interest being charged. Pay off the highest ones first while maintaining minimum payments for the others. Consider taking the “Consumer Credit” course to learn how to use credit cards wisely.

Save during deployment

With deployment comes some additional cash, providing a good opportunity to save money and work toward financial security. Set savings goals that will make the most of your special payments. Decide how much you need to save each pay period to reach your goal. Make your savings goal official by taking a pledge with the Military Saves campaign.

Choose your deployment savings goals

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Pick something meaningful.

You’ll be more motivated to save if you have a meaningful goal in mind — like paying off your debt, building up your retirement account or putting aside a down payment for a new house.

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Set a specific dollar amount.

This will help you track your progress and know how close you are to achieving your goals.

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Be realistic.

Keep track of your income before and during deployment so you can set a savings goal that is realistic.

Stick to your deployment savings goals

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Figure out the logistics.

Consider how much you need to save each pay period to reach your goal and where you’ll be storing your savings.

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Meet with a personal financial counselor.

Guidance can help you determine the best way to manage your savings during deployment. Take advantage of free personal financial counseling through Military OneSource by calling 800-342-9647. OCONUS/International? View calling options.

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Make it a team effort.

Sticking to a savings goal can be more manageable when you have someone else in your corner. Work with your spouse or partner to make your goal a reality or share your plans with a friend for some extra accountability.


Tips for staying on budget

Staying on budget is hard but try your best and follow these tips.

  • Avoid impulse purchases. Be aware of what triggers you to make impulse purchases. Try to stick with your list when shopping and not buy other items. Postpone unexpected purchases by a week to see if you still want the item or if you can find a better price.
  • Don’t let deployment throw you off your budget track. Deployment often involves unusual expenses or special payments and entitlements, both during and after the deployment. Track your LESs via myPay. Before you leave, set up automatic payments or schedule bills that must be paid. Go to your legal assistance office to give your spouse power of attorney to make needed purchases for you, and be careful not to overspend on electronics or equipment you may not need.
  • Watch out for the holidays. Holidays can be a stressful time for you and your budget. Your feelings may range from the holiday blues to feeling overly generous. Both can lead to purchases that wreak havoc on your budget. Plan ahead for holiday gifts, decorations and parties. Watch those impulse buys and book your travel plans early

Money-Management reminders for service members

Your loved one receives a set amount of income each month, and they need to be sure it can cover their bills and expenses.

They should make a list of their monthly expenses — such as rent, car insurance, cell phones, clothing and groceries — then compare those expenses to their monthly income. This will determine how much they need to set aside for bills each month, and how much will be left over.

Here are some other budgeting tips:

  • Create an emergency fund for unexpected expenses, such as when their car breaks down or for replacing a lost cell phone. They can choose a specific day and number of dollars to contribute monthly to their emergency fund.
  • Set aside a certain amount of “fun money” every month and use it to pay for things like entertainment and eating out.

A shiny new car is nice, but the monthly payments and insurance may put a strain on their finances. A used and affordable car could more comfortably fit within their budget. Some additional car buying tips:

  • Save a bit of money to make a down payment, which can lower the monthly payment.
  • Shop around for an auto loan and insurance to make sure they are getting a good deal.
  • Avoid add-on products like service contracts, window etching, and tire, dent and paint protection packages — they increase payments.

Enlistment bonuses and other special pay can amount to thousands of dollars, and it may be tempting for your service member to use it all on dream or impulse buys.

Help them make the most of it by encouraging them to divide it — use part for something special and the rest to improve their financial standing by building up their emergency fund, paying down debt or contributing to their Thrift Savings Plan.

Using credit cards is one way to build a credit history, which is important for buying a home or taking out a loan. However, misusing credit can lead to mounting debt. Encourage your service member to use credit responsibly, for convenience — not as a lifestyle.

Also let them know that paying off cards quickly to prevent a growing balance can help them avoid paying even more in interest. Other tips:

  • Shop around to find the credit card with the lowest interest rate and with no annual fee.
  • Look for cards that offer low introductory interest rates or allow users to transfer balances from high-interest cards at 0% interest. (Military credit cards, such as the MILITARY STAR card, offer a low interest rate, no annual fees, no late or over-limit fees and can be used at commissaries and exchanges around the world.)

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