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During Deployment


Every deployment is different and may require new skills and coping strategies. Learn more about resources to help you recognize and manage stress, stay connected to loved ones, handle finances and vote when you are deployed.

Manage your stress

Some stress keeps you at the top of your game. But too much can have negative effects on your performance, safety and well-being. During deployment, it is especially important to know the signs of negative stress and learn how to manage them in a healthy way. Check out the following resources for more information:

It’s also important to know where to go for expert help to address your stress.

Stay connected

When you’re deployed it can be tough to stay connected to those you love back home. Learn about different ways to keep your relationships strong while you’re away:

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Deployment Planning: Your Relationship Checklist

Use deployment as an opportunity for you and your partner to team up to build relationship resilience for yourselves and your family.

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Managing Deployments and Separations

Review steps you and your partner can take and resources you can tap to minimize the strain and grow together through your times apart.

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Tips for Communicating in a Long-Distance Relationship

With planning and commitment, you and your partner can keep your relationship strong while apart.

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Staying Connected to Your Child’s Teachers During Your Deployment

No matter where you are around the country or the world, you can take an active role in supporting your child’s education.

Practice financial fitness

Deployment can impact a household budget. Your pay could change, or you could run into unexpected expenses. With the right information and a little effort, you can stay fiscally fit during deployment. Use these resources to help you stay in command of your household budget:

If you have questions about deployment financial planning, reach out to your installation personal financial management services office.

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Contact your personal financial management services offices.

Financial managers can ensure you make the most out of your money and reach your financial goals by helping you understand any entitlements, benefits and special pays you may be eligible for.


Even if you’re miles from home, you can still exercise your right to vote. Absentee ballots make it possible for your vote to count, no matter where you are on Election Day. Learn more about voting while you’re away from home.

More questions? Military OneSource is available 24/7 anywhere in the world. We can help answer your questions and connect you with the resources you need to stay deployment strong.

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Contact a Military OneSource consultant.

Call 800-342-9647, use international calling options, or schedule a live chat.

You can also contact your local Military and Family Support Center for information about support programs and services.

Resources, benefits and support services for During Deployment


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