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Food Security Resources and Support Programs


While it’s important to fuel ourselves and our families with nutritious meals, many barriers keep us from doing so, including the rising costs and availability of healthy food. If you’re experiencing challenges with accessing healthy, affordable food, please know you’re not alone. Resources and support are available to anyone in need.

Defense Department Resources

Be Financially Ready

Achieve and maintain financial well-being with the Sen$e app. It’s free and made for military life.

The Defense Department takes seriously the pressures that our service members and families face in today’s world – especially when it comes to experiencing food insecurity. Ensuring our service and family members are food secure is a top priority and part of our commitment to take care of our people.

USDA Nutrition Assistance Programs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers several nutrition assistance programs to increase food security, reduce hunger and provide nutrition education.

Find Your Local WIC Program

Get contact information for the Women, Infants and Children program near you.

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