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Keeping Your Relationship Strong


Need to talk?

We’re here to listen. Call 800-342-9647 or start an online chat to be connected to free and confidential support.

Relationships take effort and attention, and that’s especially true of military relationships when frequent moves, long separations and additional stress are parts of the equation. But it’s worth the effort. A loving, resilient marriage is a source of personal happiness and family joy, and a solid relationship also lets service members focus on their mission and daily duty requirements.

Build connections every day

Simply talking and listening to your spouse is so important to a healthy relationship. Sharing feelings isn’t always easy, but it is the foundation for lasting love.

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This free relationship resilience tool from Military OneSource can improve the quality and stability of your connection.

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This specialty consultation from Military OneSource helps you strengthen your couple connection.


Dealing with conflict in your relationship

No relationship is perfect. When conflict does arise, help is available to get you through. Confidential counseling is available no matter where you are.

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This flexible, online tool gives military couples the choice to work on their own or with a coach to strengthen their relationship.

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Occasional disagreements are normal in a relationship. Read ways to de-escalate arguments and resolve conflicts as a couple.

Relationship enrichment programs

Each service branch offers programs to help couples strengthen and enrich their relationship.

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Learn about programs designed to enrich marriage and maintain a healthy relationship by helping couples develop better communication skills and rekindle their romance.

Access free, confidential relationship counseling if you need it

Get a little extra help connecting or communicating. You can access free, confidential counseling services through the Military and Family Life Counseling Program and Military OneSource.

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MFLC provides flexible counseling when and where needed. Connect with MFLC through your installation’s Military and Family Support Center.

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Military OneSource counselors are available for free, short-term confidential counseling in person, over the phone or via secure video or online chat. Call 800-342-9647 (view overseas calling options), start a live chat or request an appointment online.

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