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Open Season for Military Benefits


Open season is your annual opportunity to choose the health care and vision coverage that best suits you and your family. You can also enroll in the dependent care flexible spending account to save on eligible dependent care expenses.

Don’t miss this crucial window of opportunity to explore your options, compare plans and secure the benefits you need.

Why open season is important

Open season is the time of year when you can enroll, disenroll or make changes to your benefits. Otherwise, you can only make changes if you have a qualifying life event, such as getting married, having a baby or losing health care coverage.

Your choices during open season

During open season, you can enroll or make changes to the following benefits:

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Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account

The DCFSA allows you to set aside up to $5,000 in pretax income each year to pay for eligible dependent care expenses. This includes child and adult care costs for eligible dependents, such as day care, preschool and after-school programs. Visit FSAFEDS for more information or to enroll in a DCFSA.

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TRICARE is the health care program for active-duty service members, National Guard and reserve members, their families and others. Choose the TRICARE plan that aligns with your health care preferences and needs.

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Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program

FEDVIP allows you to secure your vision needs. Learn about the options available and select the one that meets your family’s needs.

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