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Moving and Family Logistics for OCONUS Moves


An OCONUS, or overseas, PCS can be an exciting opportunity for your family to live abroad. While you may be focusing on the opportunities to experience new languages, foods and cultures, remember to include moving logistics in your relocation plans. Military OneSource and the military Relocation Assistance Program provide a wide variety of online tools, personalized support and practical information to help you master your overseas move.

Command sponsorship

If you intend to take your family with you overseas, you’ll need to obtain command sponsorship. This designation, which will appear on your orders, ensures your family will receive travel compensation, housing support and legal protection in your host country. Complete the command sponsorship request and follow the instructions carefully, but keep in mind it’s not guaranteed.

Scheduling your move

Once you have orders in hand, it’s time to schedule your move dates.

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Local transportation office

Schedule an info/counseling session with your local transportation office and learn what options there are for transporting your goods.

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Relocation Assistance Program

Your local Relocation Assistance Program can help you prepare for your PCS, make connections at your new duty station and more.

Housing options

Finding the right home is key to successful OCONUS living. You may stay on the installation in government housing or qualify for Overseas Housing Allowance to live elsewhere.

  • Your installation housing office can help you find out what housing options are available to you in your new location.
  • connects service members and their families with housing rentals located near military bases.
  • DOD Lodging offers resources for temporary lodging, at home and abroad.

Overseas Cost of Living Allowance

An Overseas Cost of Living Allowance is a nontaxable allowance designed to offset the higher overseas prices of non-housing goods and services. It is not a fixed amount and may vary based on location, paygrade, years of service and number of dependents. OCOLA can fluctuate based on the exchange rate and should not be included in your monthly budget. Learn more about OCOLA and find FAQs, rate tables and location lookup tools.

Relocation resources

Wherever you are in your OCONUS PCS move, Military OneSource and your installation have numerous support services to help you transition.

MilSpouses can begin planning for the transition as soon as their service member receives orders.

Military OneSource provides support from professionally trained consultants to help you create an individualized action plan, provide planning and packing tips, offer financial counseling and connect you to resources and information on housing, child care, education, employment and more. Our consultants are available 24/7 to answer your questions and connect you to resources. Call 800-342-9647, use OCONUS calling options or schedule a live chat today.

Military OneSource offers free, confidential counseling to discuss adjustment difficulties or ways to manage relocation stress. You can connect with a counselor 24/7 to schedule an appointment over the phone, in person, via secure online live chat or secure video sessions. Counseling is also available through your installation’s Military and Family Life Counseling Program.

Moving to a foreign country can be both exciting and overwhelming. Military OneSource peer-to-peer support is available so that you — and your family members — can talk to someone who understands your experience.

If you have a family member with special needs, consultants with the Exceptional Family Member Program can help you make sure your family member’s needs are met during and after your move, especially if your exceptional family member will transfer to a new school. You can also check out the EFMP & Me online tool for information and support anytime, anywhere.

It’s important to prepare children for the huge change of an overseas move. make your move a smooth transition for all.

Find a variety of videos, worksheets and tips from Sesame Street for Military Families to help young children manage the challenges of military life. Check out their relocation resources.

If you’re looking for help with education questions, your local school liaison can connect you with the support you need.

  • School liaisons are located at each installation and can help with transition support before and after a PCS.
  • School liaisons can connect older children with a youth sponsor, provide information on school districts and boundaries, assist with transfer of credits and class registration, help locate after-school and extracurricular programs, and set up tutoring referrals.
  • They can also connect you to the Exceptional Family Member Program and your school’s special education department, as well as help you navigate your new school district’s special education program.

Listen to this podcast about how school liaisons can help geo-dispersed families.
Learn more about what schools are available to children on military installations, and visit the Department of Defense Education Activity website for more information about DODEA schools. is the DOD’s global request-for-care management system to help military families explore child care options and locate department-approved providers around the world. Learn more about military child care programs, including expanded hourly child care services, through Military OneSource. You can register for on-installation care anywhere in the world through

Tips and resources for moving OCONUS with children

Go online or head to the library to learn about the language, culture, popular music, local sports teams and more in your next home. Let your child help with the research and encourage them to explore their own areas of interest as well. Try to get your children excited about the new adventures before you arrive.

For great online resources, check out the new DOD MWR Libraries.

You and your family are about to star in your own overseas adventure, so you might enjoy finding characters that do the same. Help your child search online for titles or ask someone at your school to help.

Moving overseas can enable your family to expand your travel horizons in an exciting way. Print out a map and grab a marker or some pushpins. Mark your new location then explore the nearby area and landmarks. Make a wish list and share it with your family.

Your tour will be over before you know it, so be sure to take advantage of your overseas travel opportunities.

Weight restrictions may limit what you can take with you on this move. Have your child make a list of items that are most important. As your child leaves behind important items, remind him or her of the cool mementos that they will likely bring back from your overseas adventure.

Get the family involved early in learning the new language. Try using language recordings and phrase books or even taking a formal class to get familiar with how the local people speak. The Mango Languages program from the new DOD MWR Libraries offers over 70 languages.

Contact your new installation school liaison for support with overseas education transitions. Ask questions about where schools are located, how the grade levels are divided, whether the children will be wearing a uniform, and what’s in the curriculum. School liaisons can also help with transferring records and registration, locating extra-curricular activities, youth sponsorship programs and much more. Share as much information as you can so your child can be involved in the transition.

Help your child make a plan to stay in touch with old friends. Remember that you may be several time zones apart, so figure out what is the best time for children and friends to communicate. Encourage your child to write letters. Make sure your child provides friends with the new address before you leave.

The Youth Sponsorship Program is a great way to help your children meet new friends and feel at home in their new community. Youth sponsors are available through your installation youth program center and through local schools. Contact your installation school liaison for more information about youth sponsorship.

Check out the fun things to do at your new installation and suggest a few clubs or teams to your child. You can also volunteer in your new community and meet fellow parents who might give you some ideas about how to help your child adjust to the new community. Contact your installation Military and Family Support Center for information about volunteer opportunities and other family programs.

Discuss the possibility of inviting relatives and friends to visit. As you get settled and get to know your new area, think about what you’d like to share with visitors. Sometimes a familiar face goes a long way to help a child feel at home.

Have your child record and share the new and interesting sights you see along the way. Your child might use a travel journal, collect postcards or save memories in another creative way. Recording an adventure could help create a sense of ownership and accomplishment for your child.

Learn more about the array of relocation assistance resources and support available both online and in-person to help you and your family master your overseas move and maximize your adventure.

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Military OneSource consultants

Military OneSource offers coaching and consultants, available 24/7, to help you with your overseas PCS move. Call 800-342-9647, use OCONUS calling options or schedule a live chat today.

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Relocation Assistance Program

Your local Relocation Assistance Program offers comprehensive support before, during and after you move including:

  • Understanding entitlements and shipment options
  • Budget planning
  • Housing
  • Spouse employment and community information
  • Cultural adaptation

Relocation assistance service providers can help you prepare for your PCS and make connections at your new duty station. They offer one-on-one consultation and information, as well as referrals to relevant workshops, classes and resources. Learn more about relocation assistance.

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Military and Family Support Center

Access a number of support resources through the Military and Family Support Center at your installation, and find out more about settling in.

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Resources and benefits for Moving and Family Logistics for OCONUS Moves


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