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Considering military enlistment? Just graduated from basic training? Congratulations, and welcome to the armed forces — and a new home, with new rules and new routines.
Get up to speed on your new military life and community.
Military OneSource can connect you to the lay of the land, along with information, resources and benefits you’ll need to launch into your new military life.
When it comes to basic training with any service, you’ve got to pack the right stuff and prepare yourself mentally and physically for what’s ahead. Here’s what you need to know.
Each service branch might have different requirements for basic training. Check out this Basic Training MilLife Guide to learn about the first steps in preparing mentally and physically to serve in the military.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll go through processing. Your first stop is the reception office, where you will need a copy of your orders. For example:
After presenting your orders, you may spend the first few weeks learning about the base, meeting key officers and enlisted personnel, discovering where your barracks and the mess hall are and getting clothing and gear issued. You’ll also learn the do’s and don’ts of installation life. You’ll be integrated into your unit and your job. As the newbie, ask questions to get to know your role and your coworkers.
At your first duty station, you’ll have more responsibility and more freedom than you did during training. You’ll serve your country, but you’ll also have time for fun and exploring your new surroundings. Here are six tips for making the most of life at your first duty station.
As one soldier said, “Don’t live in your barracks.” See what your installation and the surrounding community have to offer. Start with MilitaryINSTALLATIONS. With this tool, you can easily locate your installation and find maps and directions on and off your post. You can also get contact information for programs and services and peruse location overviews and community points of interest.
You’ll probably work and live with the people in your unit until a PCS move or until you leave the service. Some of them are likely to become friends, and there will be plenty of opportunities to socialize.
Your installation’s MWR program gives you the chance to meet people and make the most of your free time. You can also visit this MWR MilLife Guide to find what programs are available at your base. Explore your installation’s library and find out what it has to offer.
Some installations offer recreational facilities, all at low cost or for free. For off-base fun, Information, Tickets and Travel gives you the scoop on sporting events, museums, theme parks, aquariums, zoos, historical sites and other attractions. The America the Beautiful pass gives you free access to national parks and recreation areas where you can hike, climb, ski, surf, stargaze or just relax.
On your installation, you may see lists of places or services declared off-limits by the base commander. These are usually known trouble spots in the neighborhood – think bad landlords, shady nightclubs or lemon car lots. The lists are posted and are also on your base website — like this one from Fort Bragg — so read them and avoid anything on them. Be aware of predatory lenders, payday loan outfits and others looking to scam you outside the installation.
Installations offer you more than just barracks and mess halls. In fact, most military installations have a lot of affordable resources for service members and their families, such as deeply discounted grocery and department stores, called commissaries and exchanges. Check out this MilLife Guide to learn about the many resources the Defense Department offers for those who need help accessing healthy, affordable food.
You’ll also find golf courses, recreation areas and special events — many available on-base for free or at greatly reduced prices. Your military ID gets you discounts to events and destinations, even some that are off base. You can get discounted tickets to many local activities such as sporting events, concerts, movies, museums and vacation packages through your installation’s ITT office.
If your family, friends or significant other would like to visit you on base, they certainly can. Most installations welcome visitors for events such as deployment homecomings or holiday parties. You’ll find instructions for civilian visitors on your installation’s website.
Some installation recreation facilities – such as bowling alleys and movie theaters — are open to civilian guests if they are accompanied by a service member. You can also show your guests a good time off base — at concerts, amusement parks and sporting events — with discounted tickets from ITT.
Before you dismiss this resource because of its name, understand that installation-based Military and Family Support Centers are a resource hub for all service members, whether you’re single or married. They can help you connect the dots on your new installation and surroundings.
The people at these centers can help you with many things, such as getting a good deal when buying your first car, planning your first PCS, understanding housing options, finding places to socialize and connect to your new community, preparing for deployment, getting personal financial help and more. The centers may go by different names, but they all offer helpful resources for military life issues. Check out MilitaryINSTALLATIONS to locate the center nearest you.
You can also learn more about your new duty station or get answers to your military life questions by contacting Military OneSource by phone at 800-342-9647 or live chat.
Welcome to your first assignment — now it’s time to understand room and board, along with the military health care program, TRICARE.
Every month, you’ll get your LES — a form that tells you how much you got paid and where that money went (besides your bank account).
There are lots of different types of pay and tax-free allowances you can earn during your service, and the military’s retirement savings program can set you up for life. Our free financial consultants can help you figure out your finances — from paying down that credit card debt to putting a down payment on a car. They can even offer free help with taxes.
Learn about military bases worldwide. Get installation overviews, check-in procedures, housing, neighborhood information, contacts for programs and services, photos and more.
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