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Military Spouse Employment Partnership


The Military Spouse Employment Partnership is a key initiative of the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program. MSEP is a targeted recruitment and employment solution that provides companies with direct access to military spouses seeking career opportunities and spouses with direct access to employers who are actively committed to recruiting them. Hundreds of businesses have committed to recruit, hire, promote and retain military spouses in meaningful and lasting employment.

How to Get Started

Spouses can use the MSEP Job Search to find open positions with hundreds of employers in a wide range of industries and employment sectors. You can use this tool to find jobs that match your skills, interests and schedule. Visit the Military Spouse Employment Partnership Job Search article on MySECO to learn how you can best use this tool.

Connect directly with hiring managers from MSEP companies and organizations through our monthly social media chats on Facebook and LinkedIn. Visit the SECO Event Calendar for information on upcoming events and featured partners.

For more information on the MSEP initiative and its offerings, call Military OneSource at
800-342-9647 to speak with a SECO career coach, or check out the MSEP fact sheet. You can also visit the Find a Job page on MySECO for additional resources related to finding a job, networking and more.

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