My Military
OneSource App
PodCast Episode


20 MinutesNov. 30, 2022
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Learn about the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support, a free education and career planning program for actively serving U.S. military members, including members of the National Guard, the reserves and the Coast Guard. DANTES provides programs for military members at every stage, from the newly enlisted to those who are transitioning into the civilian workforce.

Visit the DANTES website or download the MilEd Benefits App from the App Store or Google Play. Military spouses can check out the My Career Advancement Scholarship, which provides up to $4,000 in financial assistance to eligible military spouses for the pursuit or maintenance (including continuing education courses and national exams) of a license, certification or associate’s degree necessary to gain employment in an occupation or career field.

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This episode is part of the Military OneSource Podcast.

Military life topics including deployment, PCS, recreation, relationships, finances, parenting, etc.

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