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Military Child Care Overview: Accessibility, Availability and Affordability

12 MinutesMay 10, 2024
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Military Child Care Overview: Accessibility, Availability and Affordability
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This initial episode of a planned series about military child care and fee assistance provides an overview of the military child care system. You will learn about how the Defense Department is expanding access to quality child care for military families, has streamlined its global request-for-care process through the website, and is making child care more affordable while maintaining its quality in order to meet the unique needs of military families and help them be mission ready.

This episode also covers the different types of child care programs available on installations, fee assistance for off-installation care, an explanation of family child care fees, the department’s quality requirements for care as well as professional development for staff. Additionally, the episode covers resources available for service members and families to help them find and apply for child care fee assistance.

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