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Military OneSource Podcast Series

Military OneSource Podcast Military OneSource podcasts are a simple way to connect to your best MilLife. They can help you live your best military life, overcome challenges and thrive.

Turn to the Military OneSource podcast for information, tools and resources on topics unique to the military, like spouse employment, families with special needs, deployment, relocation, finances, parenting and more.

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Most Recent Episodes

Foreign-Born Military Spouses

Learn the benefits and challenges of being a foreign-born military spouse, including when PCSing, and how the U.S. Air and Space Force Key Spouse Program supports MilSpouses.

Child Care in Your Home Fee Assistance Pilot Program

The Child Care in Your Home program offers fee assistance for eligible military families who have determined that full-time child care in their home is the best solution to meet their needs.

Completing DD Form 93

Learn the importance of service members keeping their DD Form 93 updated to ensure their designated survivor(s) receive their benefits in case of sickness, emergency or death.

Military Spouse Appreciation Month

Learn about MilSpouse Month and life as a military spouse with guests Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy Patricia Montes Barron and her daughter, Megan Zemke.

Tips and Tools for PCS Success

MilFams that have PCSed shed light on how to make frequent moves a success, including what helped and what they learned each time they moved. Find out what has worked for those who have been there.

Continuing Your Education While Deployed

No matter the location of their assignment, service members have access to education programs. Learn how to continue your education while deployed overseas, whether you are going to a permanent or temporary base or to a remote location.

Sponsorship and Getting Settled at Your New Duty Station

Learn how Military OneSource, your installation Military and Family Support Center, and military sponsors can help you get settled at your new duty station.

Thriving as New Parents

Learn more about Thrive’s free, online parent-education programming that provides age-appropriate, evidence-informed, best-parenting guidelines for children from birth to 18.

Tax Questions Answered by the Armed Forces Tax Council

Learn about changes to tax rules in 2023, filing deadlines and using MilTax free tax software to file your taxes.

Sesame Street for Military Families

Sesame Street for Military Families helps children tackle some of military life’s biggest hurdles.

Military OneSource Resources for Healthy and Happy Military Children

Learn about Military OneSource programs that can help military children and families navigate challenges, build resilience, foster well-being and contribute to an overall fulfilling childhood.

How Do I Know if I Am Receiving All My Benefits?

Learn about Online Survivor Benefits Reports, who is eligible to receive them, the process for gaining access to the reports and how the interactive OSBR can help you plan for your future.

Safe Infant Sleep

Learn about safe sleep guidelines, the New Parent Support Program, information about the importance of creating safe sleep environments and ways to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Talking to Your Kids About Healthy Sexual Development

Learn tips for talking with your kids about healthy sexual development, the kind of language parents should avoid and how access to the internet can affect social and/or sexual development.

Military In Lasting Tribute

The Military In Lasting Tribute memorial honors service members who died on active duty from 1985 to the present. In this episode, a survivor explains what honoring their loved one has meant to them.

Remote Testing With Credit-by-Exam

Learn about free remote testing for college credit. Service members can take College-Level Examination Program and DSST Credit-by-Exam Program tests anywhere they have internet access and a computer.

Armed Services Blood Program

Learn about the Armed Services Blood Program, the official blood program of the U.S. military, who it serves and why the need for donations is greater than in years past.

Financial Support for Victims of Domestic and Child Abuse

Learn about support services available for victims who leave an abusive relationship, including the benefits and eligibility requirements for those in need of transitional compensation.

Child and Youth Programs Mental Health First Aid Course

Mental Health First Aid course educates Youth Programs professionals on how to interact with and support youth who may be experiencing a mental health issue or a crisis.

Caregiver Engagement in Cases of Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth

Learn about the different degrees of problematic sexual behavior in children and youth, and what you should do if you’re concerned about a child exhibiting PSB.

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