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Military Funeral Honors Directory

Locate the state in which the interment will take place: International, click here.
You will find a local telephone number for each of the military services in '' is listed below. Please choose the number that corresponds to the service of the decedent. In some states, there will be more than one number per service, listed by county or city.

About the Directory
Funeral planners or family members of eligible deceased veterans may request funeral honors by contacting a representative at the number listed in the Military Funeral Honors Directory for their area.

Use the Military Funeral Honors Directory above by locating the state or territory in which the requested funeral honors will take place. Under the state, you will find a local phone number for each of the military services.

Choose the phone number that corresponds to the military service of the deceased. Numbers for each military service will apply, in most cases, to the state as a whole. But some states will have more than one phone number per military service, listed by county or city. For additional information, contact Military OneSource at 800-342-9647.

To establish a veteran’s eligibility for military funeral honors, a DD Form 214, “Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty,” or any discharge document showing honorable service, is required. Learn about step-by-step instructions on how to obtain a DD Form 214.

If you experience technical difficulties or are unable to reach the contact person listed in the directory, you can reach out to the program manager overseeing the Military Funeral Honors Program for their service branch.

This Directory & Tool is for

Retiree/Veteran, Service Provider, Survivor

Service Branch

Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, National Guard, Reserves

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