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Online Learning

Resources at the Ready: Support Resources to Help You Live Your Best MilLife


This course covers the range of support resources offered by Military OneSource and how accessing those resources may enable you to live your best MilLife.

On the first track, service members and families will:

  • Choose a character and service branch and simulate a military career starting from basic training
  • Carve out their own path, progress through life’s important milestones and learn how Military OneSource is with them every step of the way
  • Understand how to use the range of Military OneSource services

With the second track, military leaders will:

  • Gain knowledge of the support resources offered by Military OneSource
  • Learn how to provide information and referrals to those they lead

Learn more about the Resources at the Ready: Support Resources to Help You Live Your Best MilLife course below.

briefcase icon families icon flower icon house icon money icon body icon

This course supports the career, family, mind, home, finance and body areas of your MilLife.

Are you living your best MilLife? Military OneSource experts are standing by with resources at the ready to help you do just that. This course covers the support resources offered by Military OneSource and how accessing them may enable you to live your best MilLife.
Length: 25 minutes

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