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Educational Needs


Having a team approach with good communication between parents, child care providers, school administrators and teachers is a great way to support your family member who is receiving special education. How else can you make sure your child’s educational needs are being met?

Find information and tips to support you and your child with special needs. Learn about early intervention services and find help during relocation. Understand educational rights granted by the Americans with Disabilities Act and much more.

The Education Directory for Children With Special Needs provides military families who have children with special needs the resources they need to make informed assignment decisions and experience easier transitions.

Create your education roadmap

Find out more about the Individual Education Program and learn about the differences between an IEP and a 504 plan. Often the first step in any special education plan is developing an IEP. After an evaluation, an IEP becomes a road map you can take with you each time your child changes schools or you PCS to a new location. It lays out the instruction and services to help your child succeed. The sooner you get started, the better. Make sure your child’s IEP stays current. When you move, give a copy of the IEP to your child’s new school. Work hand-in-hand with the school to support your child’s transition and to implement the IEP. The new school’s services may not look exactly like their previous school. However, they are required to provide comparable services.

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Learn about the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, which ensures that all children with special needs have access to a “free appropriate public education” and have the necessary tools to meet their educational goals.

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Learn about 504 plans and IEPs, how they differ and how they are alike.

Finding Answers and Assistance

Have questions or need additional assistance? You can access Exceptional Family Member Program Family Support by visiting or calling your local installation Military and Family Support Center. Or you can call Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 or live chat to schedule an appointment with a special needs consultant. Appointments are available seven days a week.

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Early Intervention Services Fact Sheet

Early intervention services, or Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, provide services and support to children (birth to age 3) with a delay or disability. Early intervention services are designed to help families enhance their children’s development and better meet their needs

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