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Signs You May Need Extra Help Transitioning

service members transition program

Ease Transition Stress With Personalized Support

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Are you separating or retiring from the service in the near future? Are you actively transitioning to civilian life? With so many components of transition, you may feel like you could use some extra help. Maybe you’re looking for support to manage stress or logistics. Or perhaps you just need someone to give you that extra encouragement to set goals to get through your to-do list.

Whatever the case may be, Military OneSource is here to help — and is your anchor to Defense Department resources for up to 365 days after your last day of service. If you’re not sure if you could benefit from extra support navigating your transition, check out the following signs:

When you prepare for the transition process, you may not know where to begin. It’s common to have trouble setting goals for this next life stage. After getting some of your questions answered by a trained consultant, you may have the tools to make a game plan and execute.

There are many benefits available to veterans, but how do you know which ones apply to you? Veteran benefits include disability, education, health care, housing, life insurance and more. It’s a lot to consider, and sometimes these benefits have specific time frames and deadlines you need to know.

Adjusting to the civilian workforce can be a big challenge when transitioning from the military. There are resources and experts available to help you translate your military skills into civilian terms, apply for jobs, learn how to write a resume, practice your interview skills and more.

Pursuing higher education may be a goal of yours in this next stage of life, but maybe you have a roadblock you want to overcome. There are certain things to consider, like identifying what type of school you’re interested in, how to finance your degree and whether you should attend online or in-person classes.

If you invested in a TSP, do you know what to do with it once you’re out of the military? Depending on your situation, there are several options regarding your TSP.

Health care is a benefit for all service members. Now that you’re transitioning to civilian life, you may be looking for information on coverage for you and your family. Your separation or retirement status – among other factors – determines your eligibility for VA health care benefits.

 Transitioning from military to civilian life impacts the entire family. Now that your partner is leaving the military, what does that mean for you? There are resources for military spouses. By exploring, learning and preparing, you can take charge of your family’s new chapter in civilian life.

Personalized Transition Support Is Available

Military OneSource provides support during this transition phase, whether you are a service member or military spouse.

  • Transitioning Veterans is a specialty consultation for service members looking to get answers about their own transition. A professional consultant will provide personalized sessions to help you navigate your transition to your next chapter. Service members can get this extra help 12 months out from retirement or separation or within 365 days of your last day of service.
  • The Military Spouse Transition Program supports military spouses through the military spouse experience as you step into military life until you step out of it. MySTeP empowers spouses with resources, benefits, programs and more to take command of the family’s transition.

Call Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 or start a live chat to speak to a consultant about your military transition. OCONUS/International? View calling options.

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