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Military OneSource Services

Financial Counseling

Benefit overview

You don’t need to tackle issues like mounting debt or saving for college or retirement alone; Military OneSource financial counselors are available in person, over the phone and via video. Financial counseling gives you an opportunity to talk to a trained professional — one who is familiar with the issues that affect service members — about your questions and receive referrals to services and programs that meet your specific needs.

How this benefit helps

Financial security can help you be a true guardian of your homefront. We can help you:

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Evaluate programs and plans

Get support in evaluating savings programs, retirement and investment plans, and college savings and payment options.

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Learn to talk to creditors

Military OneSource financial consultants can help you learn to talk to creditors and negotiate things like late fees, payment plans and foreclosures.

How to access this benefit

Set up a time to meet with a financial counselor by calling Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 or live chat. OCONUS/International?  View calling options.

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