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Global Household Goods Contract Moves

Scheduling a household goods shipment?

The Defense Department is now moving service members and their families at select locations under the new Global Household Goods Contract, or GHC, program.

Visit the Defense Personal Property System, or DPS, landing page and answer a series of questions to help determine if your new shipment(s) will be carried out under GHC or the legacy program. You can also view our installation phase-in page for a list of installations currently operating under GHC.

Read on to learn more about the new program or see the Personal Property Resources page for moves under the legacy program.

Contact your local household goods/transportation office for questions about your current or future move.

Visit DPS


GHC is focused on improving the relocation process for Defense Department and Coast Guard personnel and their families. It provides the Defense Personal Property Program a new model for moving household goods.

For service members and their families moving under GHC, a company called HomeSafe Alliance manages a network of commercial moving companies to carry out the tasks associated with the following relocation services:

  • Household goods shipments
  • Storage-in-transit warehouse services
  • Unaccompanied baggage shipments
  • Shipments in and out of nontemporary storage (coming in the future)

Note: GHC does not include the movement of privately owned vehicles, or POVs. See PCSmyPOV for shipping information and resources.

Image of Podcast Microphone

Podcast: Moving Under the Global Household Goods Contract

Listen for more details about how GHC is changing the way personal property shipments are being managed and key changes you should know about before your next PCS.

How does GHC improve the moving experience?

The purpose of GHC is to improve the overall moving experience by addressing long-standing limitations that exist within the legacy program. Under the legacy program, also known as the Tender of Service program, numerous commercial moving companies throughout the world manage the household goods shipment needs for the DOD. This model makes it difficult for the government to hold the industry accountable in a meaningful way for individual performance failures. This generates friction, frustration and capacity challenges, which many customers endure during the relocation process.

GHC provides a solution by having a single company manage all moves worldwide through a contract overseen by the DOD at the installation, service and joint levels. GHC institutes formally defined standards, oversight responsibilities, incentives and consequences to improve accountability and service. The government holds the single company accountable to the terms laid out in the contract.

Some customer benefits you can expect to see with GHC include:

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  • A HomeSafe customer care representative will be assigned to your account to serve as a single point-of-contact for any questions or concerns throughout your moving experience.
  • You can also expect increased support hours (24 hours, seven days per week) and decreased wait times when calling (four minutes or less).
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  • You will find easy to use, secure, mobile-device friendly systems to coordinate all phases of your move right from a cell phone or tablet.
  • You can expect in-transit information about your shipments, which includes real-time location tracking once the moving truck is within 10 miles of your residence.
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  • Thanks to online, easy-to-read, electronic inventories with photos of your belongings, you will have a much easier and quicker time identifying and sharing information about any loss or damage to your belongings.
  • In instances of late pickups or missed delivery dates, you can work directly with HomeSafe for a streamlined process for inconvenience claims compensation based on all individuals on your relocation order.
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  • The single-move-manager model means HomeSafe will be able to utilize trucks, storage and routes more effectively resulting in:
    • More options for scheduling your pack out, pickup and delivery
    • Shorter transit times with increased on-time pickups and deliveries.
Image of Moving Dolly


  • Moving providers operating under the HomeSafe network are required to adhere to the Service Contract Act, or SCA, which requires workers to be paid the prevailing local wage and benefits. This will help ensure that higher quality employees are hired.
  • Put your mind at ease knowing that those moving, packing and unpacking your belongings have received full training, passed background checks, and are easily identifiable as company personnel both in person and on the HomeSafe Connect app so you’ll always know who is in your home.

Download the GHC: Global Household Goods Contract fact sheet for a one-page guide about the program.

GHC transition

The transition to GHC is estimated to span several years. Shipments began in Spring 2024 with a gradual phase-in of all domestic, or CONUS, moves followed by a phase-in of all international, or OCONUS, moves.

Domestic phase-in

Shipments moving between CONUS-to-CONUS locations.

International phase-in

Shipments moving to or from OCONUS locations.

Worldwide operation

All CONUS and OCONUS shipments are serviced under GHC.

Each installation will begin its transition to GHC with a small number of select shipments, followed by a gradual increase of shipment volume and type until eventually all inbound and outbound moves are serviced under GHC.

During the phase-in, if your shipment is not selected for GHC, you will continue to move under the legacy program and work with your assigned moving company. The Personal Property Resources page offers information and tools for moves under the legacy program.

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View our installation phase-in page for updates on the locations currently operating under GHC. As always, you can also check with your local household goods/transportation office for updates on when GHC shipments will begin at your installation.

Scheduling a GHC shipment

One of the many enhancements GHC will bring to the relocation experience is access to modern, digital management systems. If your shipment is selected to move under GHC, you will use two new online systems — DOD’s MilMove and HomeSafe Alliance’s HomeSafe Connect. These user-friendly systems will provide the opportunity to oversee your move in a whole new way, making it easier than ever to request, track and manage your shipments.

Questions about your upcoming move?

Connect with your local household goods/transportation office for more details about GHC shipments and questions about your current or future move.

Use MilMove to:

  • Upload your PCS orders
  • Share your contact information
  • Enter your shipment details and requested pickup date
  • Discover your weight allowance
  • Receive follow-on directions about entitlement counseling

Use HomeSafe Connect to:

  • View your shipping entitlements
  • Confirm/request changes to shipping dates and locations
  • Schedule and partake in a premove survey
  • Get a weight estimate for your shipment
  • Meet your packing, loading and delivery crews
  • View your online inventory with photos
  • Find shipment status updates
  • See real-time tracking within 10 miles of your home
  • File loss or damage, inconvenience or residential property claims
  • Communicate with customer care representatives

The Defense Personal Property System, or DPS, landing page is now displaying a series of questions to help determine if your shipment(s) will be carried out under GHC or the legacy program. If selected, you will be automatically directed to MilMove to submit your initial shipment requests.

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Download our GHC: Scheduling a GHC Shipment fact sheet for more details about requesting a shipment and accessing these IT systems.

Watch this video to see how to request a shipment using DOD’s MilMove system.

Scheduling personally procured moves

A personally procured move, or PPM, is a move you perform or arrange yourself instead of utilizing a government-arranged shipment. As the DOD phases in locations to GHC, the department is also shifting to the use of the new MilMove system to submit PPM requests and process required documentation for reimbursement. See our Personally Procured Moves Using MilMove fact sheet for more information on conducting a PPM.

Who is HomeSafe?

HomeSafe Alliance will serve as the “single-move manager” for GHC, responsible for the packing, shipping, storage-in-transit warehouse services, delivery and unpacking of household goods throughout the world. To accomplish this, HomeSafe will utilize its network of individual providers to handle your belongings on packing and moving days. Many of these providers are small, local businesses, such as agents, packers and truckers.

HomeSafe will offer a variety of services including:

  • 24-hour personalized customer service
  • Customized electronic dashboard to track the move process
  • Digitized inventory of all household items

Under GHC, HomeSafe will be your primary contact for scheduling and managing your shipments. The DOD will oversee their performance, and your local household goods/transportation office will remain your primary DOD contact to ensure quality service.

homesafe logo Want to learn more about HomeSafe and what they have to offer? Visit their website for resources, contacts and more.


For more information about GHC, see our full list of frequently asked questions.

To schedule a shipment, you will start by visiting the Defense Personal Property System, or DPS. You will be presented with a series of questions on the DPS landing page to determine if your new shipment request will be carried out under GHC or the legacy program.

If your shipment is selected to move under GHC, you will be directed to use two new online systems — DOD’s MilMove and HomeSafe Alliance’s HomeSafe Connect — in place of DPS. These user-friendly systems will provide you the opportunity to oversee your move in a new way, making it easier than ever to request, track and manage your shipments. Unlike DPS, both systems can be accessed via a desktop or hand-held device, making them much more convenient to access and use at any time.

See the GHC: Scheduling a GHC Shipment fact sheet to learn more about using these two new systems.

The DOD continues to be a part of the moving process conducting numerous roles under GHC. A dedicated team of personal property experts and acquisition professionals at United States Transportation Command, in coordination with DOD’s existing network of personal property offices operating around the globe, are providing contract oversight and compliance. For instance, specific DOD personnel are responsible for:

  • Reviewing and approving shipment requests
  • Sharing information through entitlement counseling
  • Monitoring HomeSafe’s performance
  • Helping resolve issues

You are always encouraged to reach out to your local household goods/transportation office if you have questions or need assistance during your move.

The DOD will continue to utilize customer satisfaction surveys to gather feedback on the support you receive from HomeSafe. Surveys will also assess the support you receive from U.S. Government offices involved in the management of your personal property.

You are encouraged to complete all your surveys in a timely manner and reach out immediately to either your HomeSafe Customer Care Representative or local household goods/transportation office if you are experiencing a problem at any point during your move.

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